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Natural Language Processing : Shaping the Linguistic Future

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field at the intersection of computer science, artificial intelligence (AI), and linguistics. It focuses on the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. The primary goal of this domain is to close the gap between machines and non-developers, making it possible for computers to understand, interpret, and even generate human language while respecting all different rules. To do so, programmers walk the model through many difficult steps, here is a general outline of the stages: 

Data collection, as in any other machine learning-related field, proves to be one of the most crucial factors in the model's quality. In our case, we need a large dataset of text or speech data relevant to the specific NLP task. This data could come from various sources, such as books, websites, social media, or speech recordings. 

After collecting it, the data needs to be cleaned and prepared for proper analysis; the how in this process, varies based on the desired outcome and the related field. Some common ways to achieve data preprocessing are “Tokenization”, which includes breaking down text into sentences, words, or other meaningful elements. Then, “Normalization”: Converting text to a standard form, which may include converting all letters to lowercase, removing punctuation, and correcting misspellings. Eliminating common words (e.g., "the", "is", "at"), in order for unique words that offer the most information about the text remain. Finally, “Lemmatization”: Reducing words to their root form, for example, the word "walking" would be reduced to its root form, or stem, "walk" to process. 

Now that, the data is ready, we must feed it to our model that will try to learn the patterns and relationships in the data. This usually involves adjusting the model's parameters so that its predictions closely match the known outcomes in the training data. Moreover, training a model requires selecting a suitable algorithm and setting its hyperparameters, which can significantly affect the model's performance. In this step, the process repeats several times while being continuously evaluated to find the right moment to stop the training and eventually prevent “Overfitting”, a common problem where a model learns the detail and noise (irrelevant information) in the training data to the extent that it negatively affects the model's performance on new, unseen data. 

Nowadays, natural language processing is proving to be a great success, Chat-GPT being one of its most famous applications, having more than one hundred eight million users; in fact, it is now one of the top 30 websites in the world (Reuters). However, creating a fully edged NLP proves to be a big challenge, not because of some technical problems, but for the reason of the complexity of humans themselves… 

From time to time, we say the opposite of what we truly desire, we often use sarcasm, irony, ambiguity, and other hard concepts for a computer to grasp; since the same words and sentences have multiple interpretations depending on their context or their pronunciation. In fact, since the current models tend to normalize and eliminate all these tiny details, it is clear that for an NLP to be highly efficient, it may need to be integrated with other artificial intelligence models, like computer vision, voice recognition and other tools that take into consideration all possible factors affecting the true meaning of words. 

The field of NLP has a long way to go. With every step ahead, we open new avenues for innovation, whether it is in the areas of knowledge discovery, user experience personalization, or context understanding. NLP has a bright future ahead of it, with the potential to have even greater social effects, as scientists and engineers work to understand the nuances of the human language.