En | Ar

“Don’t change to fit the fashion; change the fashion to fit you.”

“Don’t change to fit the fashion; change the fashion to fit you.” 

In fact, we live in a society where fast fashion has become the “norm,” and if you do not follow the norm, then you feel excluded. 

As far as I am concerned, I think that fashion is in some way the reason why people have stopped embracing what they like and what they feel the most comfortable in. We are always tempted to fit in; this idea of being different scares us, whether it is our opinions on certain matters that are different or even in something as meaningless as our everyday outfits. 

How many times did you get out of a store surprised that you saw the exact same pieces you saw earlier in a different one? 

How many times have you bumped into a friend who’s wearing the exact same pair of jeans? 

I grew up thinking that I should get the new pair of adidas sneakers because everyone is getting it, that if I don’t something would be wrong with me; you see here, the problem is not wanting to get the pair of adidas sneakers; the problem is why I want to get it; it is not because I would like to style it or I feel like it matches my outfits; it is because everyone will wear it, so not wearing it as well would make me different. This little comparison is important because it highlights how we have grown into thinking that being different is bad, but one day I woke up and decided that I like being different; I want to be different. This is how I started looking up thrifting, and I realized that I don’t want to wear whatever the plastic mannequin at the mall is wearing. I want to find vintage items, and this even led me to change everything about me, or to be more correct, to find who I really am; even my music taste changed as I now listen to jazz and oldies. I like certain movies, certain books; something as simple as an outfit changed my whole personality. Although I like thrifting a lot, I still like to shop at brands sometimes. However, I now pick the pieces that I like and not necessarily the pieces that I “should” be wearing. One thing follows the other : you can get any haircut that you want, any shoes that you like, any bag; there are no standards in fashion, and this is what I love about it : fashion is art, and art was never meant to be duplicated; art was meant to be unique and special; why wouldn’t you? 

Through changing your style, you’ll end up discovering who you really want to be in society; fashion is not just pieces of fabric assembled; fashion is a revolution. 

Be different in a world where everyone wants you to fit in a box, and as Nicky Hilton once said, “Fashion is what you buy, style is what you do with it.”