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From Potential to Power: Unleashing the Strength of Youth Empowerment

This generation is profoundly shaped by the pervasive influence of social media. We find ourselves immersed in platforms like TikTok, endlessly scrolling through our 'For You' page, contemplating how our lives might be different if we were wealthier, more attractive, or thinner. We tend to compare ourselves to public figures or even individuals in our environment, forgetting our own values and worth. Therefore, since October 2023, five students have dedicated themselves to empowering their peers and classmates.

The Empowerment Club, led by the five organizers known as the board—including Hala Dalloul as Secretary, Chloé El Helou as Treasurer, Reem Bilani overseeing social media, Joy El Feghali as Vice-President, and myself, Céline Arslane, serving as President—has been established. Our primary objective is to spark the potential of young individuals by providing guidance, support, and opportunities for academic, professional, and personal growth.

As students, we believe we are uniquely positioned to undertake this mission, given our deep understanding of the mindsets, interests, passions, and trends of the new generation. Furthermore, the emergence of this new lifestyle has widened the gap between Gen-Z and previous generations, fostering a sense of disconnection among individuals. With the market evolving rapidly, along with shifting opportunities, perspectives, experiences, and more, the younger generation often finds itself bewildered and adrift.

The board has developed an extensive array of projects and activities addressing various facets of students' daily lives. Waste no opportunity! The Empowerment Club inaugurated its first event in celebration of Valentine's Day, held on February 12th, 2024.

Stereotypically, the mention of Valentine's Day evokes images of adorable couples celebrating their love. Regrettably, we often tie our sense of worth to this perception: if we're single, we may feel unlovable, and in relationships, we might lose sight of ourselves, basing our value on how our partner perceives us. However, let's change that narrative. What better occasion than this to challenge patterns and promote self-love? Valentine's Day isn't just about romantic love; it encompasses all forms of love, including the crucial aspect of loving oneself.

As previously mentioned, on the 12th, the Empowerment Club honored the theme of self-love. We were privileged to host a distinguished guest speaker, Grégoire Toranian, a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist. Our event drew students from diverse majors, including pharmacy, computer science, religious studies, and more, all converging to explore the multifaceted concept of love.

Mr. Toranian guided us through a journey from the origins of love in childhood to its manifestations in adulthood, shedding light on the underlying factors influencing our expressions of love. His insights were truly profound, leaving us in awe. Furthermore, we engaged in discussions about unconditional love and openly shared our personal experiences, with the understanding that confidentiality was paramount, ensuring that what was disclosed in the room remained within its confines.

The feedback we received was incredibly heartening, reaffirming that we are making significant strides in empowering the youth. However, one comment left us particularly struck: "This discussion was crucial, and we wish more individuals were aware of the complexities of human dynamics and interpersonal relationships," remarked a participant during the session.

All of these compel me to impart one final message:

Have the courage to voice your thoughts, challenge stereotypes, and embrace your humanity. Doing so doesn't signify weakness; rather, it showcases your bravery in confronting your narrative and embracing your authentic self.