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Lebanon's Pride: Yasmina Zaytoun's Triumph at Miss World

      "Thank you, Lebanon, for teaching me to be who I am," proudly stated Yasmina Zaytoun, the first runner-up for Miss World 2024 in its 71st edition.

       Beauty pageants are often viewed with a critical eye, being accused of objectifying women, solely focusing on their physical appearance rather than their innate qualities. However, like everything else throughout history, slowly and steadily, changes have been made to balance the scales between surface beauty and what lies beneath. They evolved from simply being entertainment spectacles to talent contests with the goal of assessing the personality and intelligence of these women. In fact, beauty pageants have placed greater emphasis on participants’ social impact initiatives, community service, and advocacy activities in the past few decades.

      Under the dazzling tiaras and sparkling gowns, beauty pageants play a significant role in society internationally, as they have become a powerful platform to address social issues, as well as improve their country’s reputation or image. This not only raises awareness but also prompts action and societal change. These women serve as inspiration to all the young girls watching them, inspiring them to be who they choose to be no matter where they come from.

     And so, this is exactly what Yasmina Zaytoun is spreading across the globe as she dedicates her success and her crown to her country, Lebanon.

    "Living in Lebanon, I've learned to always get back up," Zaytoun said after qualifying in the Top 4. "Because, with a double blast, we were able to keep going and get back up," she continued during the ceremony, which was broadcast on LBCI.

     She highlighted the diversity of the nations’ cultures as well as the potential and tenacity of their citizens, particularly women, who, despite obstacles, are achieving important advancements in many fields. She is putting out the challenge for women to break free from the traditional expectations and roles that entangle them in the culture of today, as she wins a crown while pursuing a bachelor’s degree in journalism at Notre Dame University-Louaize in Zouk Mosbeh. 

     By dedicating her success and crown to Lebanon, Yasmina has brought positive attention to the country on an international stage, helping to improve its reputation and image. This also brings positive attention to the country, which can help in altering perceptions and potentially attracting tourism and international interest in Lebanese culture and arts.

     Her success is not just personal; it’s a shared national achievement that can inspire young Lebanese women to pursue their dreams and ambitions. Our beauty queen is helping to restore national credibility and forge a sense of nationalism. As a matter of fact, in a country with over 18 recognized religious and ethnic groups, the Lebanese identify with a religious community rather than with a national identity. Nevertheless, Yasmina Zaytoun represents a unified sense of Lebanon’s desire to improve its global standing.

    In the context of crisis, post-blast, and war, Yasmina’s achievement serves as a beacon of hope and resilience, showcasing that among the country’s economic and political turmoil, there is talent and beauty that can compete on the world stage.