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TEDxUSJ: Voices Ignited, Minds Inspired

Following a break prompted by the COVID-19 crisis, TEDxUSJ has returned with its eagerly awaited 3rd edition, all set to empower and inspire once again. This year, the event unfolded on March 26th, 2024,  after months of organization and planning. Led by the Empowerment Club, in partnership with the Faculty of Business and Management and the Student Life Office, the event aimed to amplify voices and create an impact.

This event was heartwarming, as it brought together students from various campuses across USJ to collaborate tirelessly to ensure its success. From the dedicated members of the Empowerment Club to the committee participants and the enthusiastic volunteers, everyone worked diligently and eagerly for the event. Their hard work and dedication were truly admirable.

Yet, what truly warmed our hearts was witnessing the profound impact of the thought-provoking talks. As we observed individuals engage in vibrant discussions and share diverse perspectives during the social gatherings, it was truly uplifting to hear the resounding echoes of how impactful these exchanges were. It is remarkable to witness that growth and development encompass much more than getting good grades, earning diplomas, or memorizing facts. This event has underscored that it is about embracing many experiences, listening to different perspectives, receiving advice, sharing stories, and reflecting on oneself. It is about questioning the world, being open to innovative ideas, and acknowledging and respecting the diversity of opinions held by others.

Therefore, what sets TEDx apart is its inclusivity: there is a role for everyone. Whether your passion lies in audiovisuals, art and design, people skills, or organization, there is an opportunity to contribute. You can work behind the scenes as a camera operator or sound technician, highlight your creativity as a branding or media designer, manage public relations and outreach if you enjoy interacting with others, or take charge of planning and organization if you are detail oriented. 

Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and TEDxUSJ left an indelible impression on each of its participants. For some, the talks resonated deeply; for others, it was a moment of realization and fulfillment of dreams. Most importantly, it was simply a day filled with joy and unforgettable memories. As a co-organizer of the event, we successfully achieved our mission: people took the time to reflect on themselves and undoubtedly found inspiration along the way.