Objectif :
• Define communication
• List and describe the elements of communication
• Explain the process of communication
• Define Clinical Communication
• Identify the challenges of clinical communication
• List and describe the key elements of communication in clinical setting
• Explain communication models used in a clinic setting
• Explain the Patient-Professional-Partnership
• Define patient’s right to information and informed consent
• Establish the relationship between the two concepts
• List the consequences of not collecting an informed consentPractice communication skills in a clinical setting
Contenu :
• Define communication
• List and describe the elements of communication
• Explain the process of communication
• Define Clinical Communication
• Identify the challenges of clinical communication
• List and describe the key elements of communication in clinical setting
• Explain communication models used in a clinic setting
• Explain the Patient-Professional-Partnership
• Define patient’s right to information and informed consent
• Establish the relationship between the two concepts
• List the consequences of not collecting an informed consentPractice communication skills in a clinical setting
Langue(s) d'enseignement :
Récurrence :
Forme :
Lieu :
Campus des sciences médicales
Nombre d'heures :
14.00 heures
Droit d'inscription :
200 US payables à la banque Audi ou au secrétariat de l'institution
Personne à contacter :