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Daily translation and interpretation business: need for SEO (103FC32)

Objectif :
1. Improve their website visibility
2. Increase the organic traffic.
3. Improve the user experience
4. Gain competitive advantage
5. Improve analytics and insights

Contenu :
1. Comprehensive explanation of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and its role in improving the visibility of websites on search engines, as well as its impact on attracting potential customers.
2. What are the main benefits of implementing SEO for a business, and how can it help gain a competitive advantage in the market?
3. What are the essential steps involved in implementing effective SEO for a business, and what strategies and tools can be used to improve website visibility and attract more organic traffic?

Langue(s) d'enseignement :

Récurrence :

Forme :
À distance

Lieu :
Campus des sciences humaines

Nombre d'heures :
6.00 heures

Droit d'inscription :
0 payables à la banque Audi ou au secrétariat de l'institution

Personne à contacter :

LAWANDOS Abla (Nicolas)

Cible :
Autres: Students Alumni Professionals

Planification :

Date de début:
Date de fin:
B:- E:- N:-

Date de début:
Date de fin:
B:- E:- N:-