Fr | Ar


Mr. Maroun Helou

Chairman - ABNIAH SARL
Annual Scholarship

Maroun Helou« “… I knew that USJ needed help and support while American universities have a lot of support coming from their organized alumni. Unfortunately, such a framework is lacking within Jesuit institutions. My journey began at Collège Notre-Dame de Jamhour, instilling in me a profound sensitivity towards all things Jesuit. Although I pursued my higher education at AUB, I have always felt that USJ needed support.

Mrs. Carmel Wakim, former Director of Fondation USJ, contacted me and I knew the Rector, Father Daccache, with whom I had given a lecture and I saw a little bit of the evolution of the Alumni of Jamhour with Michel Eddé, who helped a lot in the creation of the Alumni. A few of my friends were helping from all over the world and I felt that I had to help, because education, in my opinion, is an asset for Lebanon and for the Lebanese youth. We truly have brilliant students. As an engineer, I wanted to help in this particular sector. I wanted to assist ESIB students who might not have the means to manage their study periods. I was encouraged by their dedication.

The trust, which Father Daccache gave me, encouraged me and the fact that I am a Jamhour alumnus and engineer also pushed me to help young people. I believe that all wealthy individuals should contribute because Lebanon is known for its uniqueness and homogeneity. [...] It’s in this spirit that I wanted to do it, and I have been doing it every year for the past 3 or 4 years, and it’s been increasing. I started with one student, then two, and then three students. I wish them success in their studies.

...I have never met the scholarship recipients; the assistance is done discreetly. I chose to help students from the region since I did not personally know anyone in need, but I know that the University conducts quite precise research, which is heading in the right direction. Hence, I don’t need to personally meet them to convey that I am supporting them... I help them anonymously because assistance should not reveal identities. I want the assistance to be given freely because I expect nothing in return...

…I certainly have a message to the scholarship recipients: the brilliant engineers who have been part of my company, belonged to a fairly modest background and being very ambitious, have done very well! I wish them every success in the future, and I hope that one day they will have the opportunity to help others too. This is what makes society strong. Helping in Lebanon is very necessary, and I hope that the assistance continues; it gives us the longevity to exist. I am sure that these students will succeed, and from this success, they will give back or sponsor others in the future.

Our society and Lebanon are based on mutual aid. It doesn’t have to be financial assistance, it can be any form of support, it can be advice. This communication that exists in Lebanon needs to be encouraged because it is also part of our customs, and it helps us improve. This communication has helped many Lebanese to work, to immigrate, to become wealthy, and to help other Lebanese... One must give, but without feeling compelled to do so. Giving brings internal, intellectual satisfaction. Giving is very important, especially to those in need... and I believe that everyone who contributes something to our life is providing a valuable asset in our journey...! As for me, I like to help, I do it on a daily basis, and I believe that if I give, God will grant me even more.