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The Fondation USJ / Message from the Director

Join us in supporting students of USJ,
the promising leaders of tomorrow.
Let us take common action!


Dear friends,
Dear Alumni,

Since its founding in 1875, the Saint Joseph University of Beirut has upheld a tradition of academic excellence and service to society. As we prepare to celebrate the 150th anniversary in 2025, we reflect with deep gratitude on our journey, characterized by steadfast commitment.

This anniversary holds even greater significance as we celebrate it alongside the USJ University Medical Center, Hôtel-Dieu de France (HDF), which celebrated its centennial in 2023. Both institutions, deeply rooted in history and tradition, serve as fundamental pillars of our community and have been instrumental in promoting education and healthcare, not only in Lebanon but also abroad.

To carry on our shared mission of providing quality education and exceptional healthcare, I invite you to join us in this crucial cause. By donating to USJ and HDF, not only are you contributing to the advancement of education but you are also supporting quality healthcare for our community. Let us shape a brighter tomorrow where everyone has access to essential education and healthcare. Your contribution will support students and patients in need, offering hope for tomorrow.Under the slogan “USJ, Aspire for More” ,we launched a 10-year fundraising campaign, with the aim of raising $150 million to ensure USJ’s longevity.

“USJ, Aspire for More” .is more than just a slogan; it’s a principle that inspires us to always aspire for more, to strive for excellence in everything we do. By supporting this campaign, you are contributing to a legacy of excellence that will resonate for generations to come.

Together, let’s surpass the horizon of possibilities and inspire all to “Aspire for More”.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the entire USJ and HDF community for your dedication and continuous support. .

Cynthia-Maria Ghobril Andrea
Director of the Fondation USJ