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Consumer Behavior

An essential component of marketing is consumer insight – both the obvious needs and wants that are on the surface of conscious thought, but also the deeper, possibly unconscious motives that drive human behavior at an implicit level. Psychological science has produced numerous theoretical and technological advances in recent years that offer unprecedented access to the inner workings of the mind, and allow for new ways to assess opinion, test new products, evaluate packaging, predict emerging needs, design promotion and advertising executions, and map out overall marketing strategy. This course gives an overview of psychological knowledge as it pertains to capturing consumer insight, and includes a consideration of how the brain works, what factors influence consumer choice, and a critical evaluation of psychological assessment tools. The course also reviews a range of “levers” that can influence purchase behavior in unexpected ways and at efficient cost. The course is organized around a model of human cognition rooted to sequential mental processing steps (e.g., awareness, interpretation, attitude, etc.) that intervene between the marketing mix (input) and purchase behavior (output). The course uses a mix of large cases, mini-cases, and lectures to advance these concepts.

Temps présentiel : 23 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 100 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final, Exposé oral

Référence :
Solomon, Michael R., Katherine White & Darren W. Dahl ). Consumer Behaviour: Buying, Having, and Being (7th Canadian Edition). Pearson Education Canada. ISBN: 978 3958096.

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Licence en histoire - relations internationales
Licence en histoire - relations internationales
Licence en sociologie : sociologie de l'entreprise et relations publiques
Licence en sociologie : sociologie de l'entreprise et relations publiques