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Legal, Policy and Ethical considerations for Data scientists and AI

The purpose of this course is to give the audience, a general understanding of regulations on AI (existing and under development): the principles, standards and policies adopted by the different regulators when issuing such rules, how these are applied and how they will evolve. Throughout the course we will be addressing the general legal provisions and framework which accompanying the different regulations while focusing on the applicability of such regulations (within the relevant jurisdictions and abroad), the need for standardization processes (namely through international forums such as the UN and the OECD), the effectiveness of such regulations and the importance of ethics in the “AI world” from legal and compliance perspectives.

Temps présentiel : 30 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 70 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Master en data sciences
Master en intelligence artificielle