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Voyages et destinations internationales

Course Description: Voyages et Destinations is a complete description of geography and international travel; notably current trends and cultural behavior; popular destinations and international tourism organizations as well as major international travel transportation modes and routes. A comparative approach and evaluation of national and international destinations, organization, management and marketing. Objectives: • Geography: This course approaches geography from a travel industry perspective. Important touristic destinations receive detailed treatment in chapters of their own. • Sale: Treats geography as something the travel industry sells. To be able to match clients to destinations and services is the key to the travel industry success. • Memory: this course uses many educational devices to make sure that the student remembers what he learns. • Tailored maps: it utilizes simplified maps to give special attention to cities and areas that tourist frequent • Theory: to foster a better understanding of planning itineraries and of developing a successful destination…

Temps présentiel : 17.5 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 75 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Atelier pratique, Circuit touristique, Cours magistral, Examen écrit, Examen final, Examen partiel, Travail de groupes, Visites de terrain

Référence :
Mancini, M. 2010. Selling Destinations: Geography for the Travel Professional, by Delmar Cengage Learning; 5 edition (around 600 pages) MC Nally, R. 2011. Exploring the World by The Travel Institute, 3rd Edition (Around 450 pages)

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Licence libanaise en droit
Licence libanaise en droit
Licence en géographie - option : environnement et aménagement du territoire
Licence en géographie - option : environnement et aménagement du territoire
Licence en géographie - option : aménagement touristique et culturel
Licence en géographie - option : aménagement touristique et culturel
Licence en psychologie
Licence en psychologie