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Dr. Georges Bou Ezzi

Founder - Pleasant Dental Center
Infrastructure and Equipment

Dr. Georges Bou EzziThe main reason for my choice is that USJ is my Alma Mater, I owe my life, my work and my success to it. That’s why I give to USJ. I have a sense of commitment to this University.

Everyone must be committed to education, and to fulfill that commitment we should start with our home. USJ was my home and that’s where I started my journey.

Let me give you a small example: One night, I was having dinner with my colleagues and friends, including Prof. Naaman, former Dean of FMD, Gaby Massa, and Carole Choker. I was talking about the University, USJ, my alma mater and I could feel how proud Prof. Naaman was to see that after all these years, I still felt committed to USJ. I belong to this University.

.I studied there during the war and at the time, USJ was unique. It honored its commitment to me as a student. I had to go to different places to attend my courses, they were held in Zouk, at St. Michel school and elsewhere. The University made an effort to continue providing courses despite the situation. At that time, we were young students, we were unaware of the situation; but now, as I look back, I can tell you that USJ did every possible thing to give the us an education. And that’s why USJ is fundamentally unique: it embodies a profound sense of commitment, integrity in teaching, and a dedication to providing for its students. It instills in them a sense of belonging, not just to USJ, but to the entire country

When we talk about USJ, it’s akin to discussing institutions like Harvard or MIT. USJ represents the past, the present, and the future. It has survived WWI and WWII and many other difficult times, but it is still here today. While our engagement may currently be remote, what truly matters is our presence and commitment to the institution.

For the University to not only exist but thrive, it must invest in building its infrastructure. This includes providing quality facilities and essential tools for teaching across all disciplines. There is a pressing need in every aspect. The future of philanthropic giving, in my opinion, should prioritize construction projects because they fulfill tangible and immediate needs. When you ask for donations, people will donate once or twice a year, but things could change, and people may not be able to donate anymore, that’s why investing in infrastructure ensures sustainability and lays the foundation for building an endowment that can support the institution in the long term.

In the world of donations, having clear goals and being transparent is crucial. When I donate to USJ, I see it as repaying a debt for all the opportunities and support I received. Without USJ, I wouldn’t be where I am today. This message is for all USJ graduates: we have a responsibility to give back to our alma mater, to support current and future students, and to maintain our sense of belonging to the University. Alumni are vital for the University’s legacy and future. When we feel connected to our alma mater, we naturally want to support it.

It would bring me immense pride to see USJ graduates excel in the United States, as they have consistently demonstrated exceptional academic prowess. They represent the legacy, the ambassadors, and the ongoing success of USJ. What truly matters to me is continuity, particularly in Lebanon.