Objectif :
Objectif(s) : Students should be able to: Recognize various implant systems and understand their surgical and prosthetic aspects.Fully plan, assess and evaluate implantology cases.Achieve simple implant cases from surgical and prosthetic aspects. Properly anticipate and evaluate esthetic outcomes in implantology.Understand the rationale behind different bone grafting procedures.Grasp the various implant placement protocols.Manage complications in oral implantology.Be familiarized with all aspects of digital dentistry from planning to final rehabilitation.Understand the principles of prosthetics in implantology (biomechanics, transitional prosthesis, soft tissue management, occlusion…)..Understand the principles and different types of implant-loading protocols.
Contenu :
Objectif(s) : Students should be able to: Recognize various implant systems and understand their surgical and prosthetic aspects.Fully plan, assess and evaluate implantology cases.Achieve simple implant cases from surgical and prosthetic aspects. Properly anticipate and evaluate esthetic outcomes in implantology.Understand the rationale behind different bone grafting procedures.Grasp the various implant placement protocols.Manage complications in oral implantology.Be familiarized with all aspects of digital dentistry from planning to final rehabilitation.Understand the principles of prosthetics in implantology (biomechanics, transitional prosthesis, soft tissue management, occlusion…)..Understand the principles and different types of implant-loading protocols.
Langue(s) d'enseignement :
Récurrence :
Forme :
Lieu :
Campus des sciences médicales
Nombre d'heures :
180.00 heures
Droit d'inscription :
0 payables à la banque Audi ou au secrétariat de l'institution
Personne à contacter :