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Domaine géopolitique anglais - arabe

This course aims to provide the students with advanced skills and insights into the translation of complex geopolitical texts. It provides them with the skills required to examining texts related to international relations, political dynamics, cultural exchanges, and global events. . Through a combination of theoretical discussions, case studies, and translation projects, students will refine their translation techniques, enhance their critical thinking abilities, and cultivate their sensitivity to cross-cultural nuances.

Temps présentiel : 30 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 100 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final, Examen partiel

Référence :
- https://www.imf.org/en - GEOPOLITICAL REPORT ISSN 2785-2598, GEOPOLITIKA EVRAZIJA - https://geopoliticalfutures.com/a-shift-in-ukrainian-strategy/ - https://www.iemed.org/publication/the-energy-geopolitics-of-the-eastern-mediterranean-and-the-cyprus-problem/ - https://neoskosmos.com/en/2023/05/18/dialogue/opinion/cyprus-is-reshaping-geopolitics-in-the-eastern-mediterranean/ - https://www.mei.edu/publications/geopolitics-energy-transition-mena-mitigating-risks-exploring-new-opportunities - https://geopoliticalfutures.com/dont-forget-about-water-in-2023/ - https://www.setav.org/en/geopolitical-ascendance-of-brics-nations/ - https://ukgeopolitics.com/weakness-a-political-choice-expanding-royal-navy/ - Geopolitics' Role in AI Development: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7OC0pV7nLw - How India is TRAPPING China with its Military STRATEGY? Geopolitics EXPLAINED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7vz7Ym82_4

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Master en traduction - option : traducteur de conférence