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Projets de Recherche

Road surface quality inspections using mobile sensors and smartphones to optimize heavy weight transportation and reduce stress to surfaces.

Description :

In this research the student will develop through mobile sensing an optimization plan for road surfaces based on the driving behavior of truck drivers. This will help reduce car crashes and save money in the long term. After reading and researching about the subject, the student will develop an algorithm that will use mobile phone sensors to provide the data. A sample of truck drivers will then be chosen and will be asked to drive for a period of time under the sensing of this app. After collecting real-time data, the student will analyze and process it to determine the road conditions based on this data, and then, work on a correlation between the data collected and the road surfaces conditions to come up with a relationship between truckers’ driving behaviors and pavement/other surface conditions.

Titulaire :

Contact USJ :

Chercheur(s) :
Mme Farah HOMSI

Projet présenté au CR, le : 20/01/2025

Projet achevé auprès du CR : 10/01/2029