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International strategy

The objective of the course is to provide students with a general understanding of international trade management, allowing them to select the ideal location and to define resources for a specific global business. Participants will be able to analyze international markets and environments and to identify opportunities and risks. They shall prove able to adapt to the international context then propose relevant and profitable strategies to put in place. Export diagnosis, segmentation, International marketing, standardization/adaptation, entry modes on foreign countries, country risk, international sourcing, International information sources, International prospecting techniques, Impact of distance in international trade, international strategy.

Temps présentiel : 30 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 10 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Travail de groupes, Travail personnel

Référence :
Global Marketing Management”, Kotabe Massaki, Somerset, NJ, USA, John Wiley (Editor), (2007) to see on scholarvox website https://www.scholarvox.com/catalog/book/docid/41001013?searchterm=kotabe “Strategy for the Corporate Level: Where to Invest, What to Cut Back and How to Grow Organisations with Multiple Division”. Campbell, Goold, Alexander. Ed: John Wiley & Sons, 2014 http://www.scholarvox.com/catalog/book/docid/88826908?searchterm=exploring%20Strategy “The Foreign Subsidiary” Auteur(s): Godiwall.a Editeur: Peter Lang, 2020 https://www.scholarvox.com/catalog/book/docid/88883720?searchterm=Corporate%20Strategy “Exploring Strategy, Text and Cases, 12th Edition” by Whittington, Angwin, Regner, Johnson and Scholes. Ed: Pearson 2019 “International Marketing & Export Management”, Sixth Edition, Gerald Baum Edwin Duerr , Prentice Hall editor Strategic consulting-Tools and methods for Successful strategy missions, Philippe Chereau & Pierre-Xavier Meschi, Palgrave editions Foreword by Yves Morieux, The Boston Consulting Group “Marketing Management”, Philip Kotler, Keller, Manceau, Dubois, Pearson Education, 13th Edition Managing Country Risk: A Practitioner’s Guide to Effective Cross-Border Risk Analysis (CRC Press), Daniel Wagner, 2012.

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Diplôme universitaire en gestion de la chaine d'approvisionnement mondiale dans le sud de la méditerranée (GLOB-SM)