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Projets de Recherche

Infodemic management amidst infectious diseases outbreaks in Lebanon: a scoping review.

Description :

The study titled "Infodemic Management amidst Infectious Disease Outbreaks in Lebanon: A Scoping Review" is being conducted by a team of researchers at the Higher Institute of Public Health at Saint-Joseph University of Beirut. It is aligned with the WHO Public Health Research Agenda on infodemic management and aims to map the available evidence on interventions used to manage infodemics during infectious disease outbreaks in Lebanon from 2019 to 2024. The goal is to extract lessons learned from past experiences and provide recommendations for future policies and practices. Additionally, the study will help identify knowledge gaps and map the interventions implemented by various stakeholders during infectious outbreaks in Lebanon. The research team will adhere to the Cochrane guidelines for conducting scoping reviews.

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Projet présenté au CR, le : 01/05/2024

Projet achevé auprès du CR : 01/05/2025