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Quantitative Research Tools

This course introduces graduate students to key concepts and practices of qualitative research (QR) in education; from data collection to data analysis. It will introduce the various ways of doing qualitative analysis with an emphasis on case studies. The course engages students in activities and readings that offer a holistic approach when discussing each of the main issues of QR: - the principles of QR, - when QR is utilized, - the limitation of QR, and - Good QR practices. While discussing in class a wide range of data collection tools, the course will offer a preliminary training for interviews. The course will focus on the construction and application of coding schemes as used in inductive and deductive methods. It will conclude with an overview of data presentation and interpretation.

Temps présentiel : 12 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 33 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Suivi du projet

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Master en sciences de l'éducation - option : gestion scolaire et développement éducatif
Master en sciences de l'éducation - option : enseignement et conseil pédagogique