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Assessment principles in SLT

This course is part of the Bachelor’s degree in Speech and Language Therapy in Semester 6. Applying evidence-based practice in evaluation and intervention is one of the main recommendations of health organizations and SLT professionals. SLTs are thus required to follow a thorough methodology to support their clinical decisions depending on their patients’ contexts and environment. This TU is based on clinical vignettes found in the multicultural and multilingual Lebanese context. It should allow the students to learn how to apply a reflective methodology in their evaluation and to know how to construct a scientifically-based intervention plan. This TU contributes to the following learning achievements: - Conduct interventions for screening and assessments in Speech and language Therapy within a clinical approach - Collaborate with different stakeholders in order to establish appropriate intervention adapted to the context, and suited to each individual - Provide health professionals, parents and patient’s environment with information about the specificities of the disorders encountered and their impact on the individual’s life, for prevention and screening purposes. - Elaborate an intervention program and protocol which will be convenient for each individual case. - Respect the ethical code in practicing Speech and Language Therapy

Temps présentiel : 15 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 50 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final, Travaux pratiques contrôlés

Référence :
- Apel, K. (2011). Science is an attitude: A response to Kamhi. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 42(1), 65-68. - Baker, E. (2012). Optimal intervention intensity. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 14(5), 401-409. - Hasson, N and Joffe, V. 2007. The case for Dynamic Assessment in speech and language therapy. Child Language Teaching and Therapy 23,1 (2007); pp. 9–25. - Roddam, H., & Skeat, J. (2010). Embedding Evidence-Based Practice in Speech and Language Therapy: International Examples. - Schmitt, M. B., Justice, L. M., & Logan, J. A. (2017). Intensity of language treatment: Contribution to children's language outcomes. International journal of language & communication disorders, 52(2), 155-167. - Zeng, B., Law, J., & Lindsay, G. (2012). Characterizing optimal intervention intensity: the relationship between dosage and effect size in interventions for children with developmental speech and language difficulties. International journal of speech-language pathology, 14(5), 471-477. - Zipoli, R. P., & Kennedy, M. (2005). Evidence-based practice among speech-language pathologists: Attitudes, utilization, and barriers. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 14(3), 208-220.

Les prérequis de ce cours sont les suivants
 Assessment of Communication and Language Disorders
Written Language Disorders 2: Intervention and Collaboration
Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Bachelor in speech and language therapy