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Market strategy

This course aims to broaden students' field of vision beyond the traditional activity of marketing. It must lead them to identify, choose and implement strategic positioning in a simulated real environment.

Temps présentiel : 35 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 70 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Exposés de groupe, Interrogation écrite, Participation, QCM, Simulations de cas

Référence :
- "User’s Manual" document for the "Marketing" simulation, published by "CESIM Business Simulations" - "Description of the case" document, published by "CESIM Business Simulations" - "Preliminary market study" document, published by "CESIM Business Simulations" - Course notes (various subjects from previous years relating to marketing, analytical accounting) MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS (RECOMMENDED, NOT REQUIRED) =============================================== - AAKER David A. (1995) . Stratégic Market Management , Fourth Edition , New York , John Wiley & Sons . - CRAVENS David W. (1982) . Stratégic Marketing . Richard D.Irwin , Inc . - DAY George S. (1990) . market Driven Strategy . The Free Press . - DUSSART Christian (1986) . Stratégie de marketing . Chicoutimi , Gaëtan Morin éditeur . - RAO Vithala R. STECKEL , Joel H.(1995) . The New Science of Marketing , Chicago , Irwin .

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Master en gestion et management - option : entrepreneuriat et nouvelles technologies
Master en gestion et management - option : management