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Data management and analytics

While the Data management is the process of collecting, organizing, and protecting an organization's data, Data Analytics is the process of understanding why data (or Big Data) are important and discovering patterns and trends in different sets of data. Data analytics is the process of taking raw data and turning it into something meaningful we can understand. Data is meaningless without management and analysis. Every data set has tremendous value, Data Management and Analytics will help demystify data and strengthen your analytical skills. Another vital skill would be to represent and report data to stakeholders.

Temps présentiel : 35 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 70 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final, Travaux pratiques contrôlés, Analyse de textes

Référence :
Shilpi Saxena & Saurabh Cupta, “Practical Real-time Data Processing and Analytics” EBSCO Publishing, ebook collection, 2022 - Aleksi Aaltonen, Cristina Alaimo & Jannis Kallinikos “The Making of Data Commodities: Data Analytics as an Embedded Process” Pages 401-429 | Published online: 06 Aug 2021 - Bansal, S.K. “Towards a semantic Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) framework for big data integration. 2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, pp. 522–529. [Google Scholar] - https://www.netsuite.com/portal/resource/articles/business-strategy/businessintelligence-examples.shtml - https://www.studocu.com/en-us/document/grand-canyon-university/applied-analyticsfor-business/application-case-5-how-did-lottecom-use-analytics-to-improve-saleswhatwere-the-challenges/317066