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PS11 – Improving active listening skills for children in the class

Pour obtenir ce diplôme il faut d’abord avoir effectué un des parcours suivants

Formation Continue

Objective: - Strategies to support short term auditory memory in the classroom: helping children develop strategies to efficiently and effectively remember auditory information.

Content: - Strategies to support short term auditory memory in the classroom: helping children develop strategies to efficiently and effectively remember auditory information.

Language(s) of instruction : Anglais

Form: Presential

Place: Campus des sciences humaines

Number of hours: 3.00 hours

Registration fee: 0   payable to the Audi bank or the secretariat of the institution

Disciplinary field:



Contact person: CORDAHI MALHAME Najat (Jean)

USJ contact number: +961 (1) 421 000

Second phone number:

Active: No


at USJ : رانيه عبده

external :

-Preschool teachers