Fundraising Campaign 150 Years of USJ
“USJ, Aspire for More!”
In 2025, Saint Joseph University of Beirut will celebrate a momentous milestone: 150 years of dedication to education, cultural diversity and innovation. Over the course of these 150 remarkable years, our institution has been a beacon of cutting-edge education, enlightenment and progress.
Today, we stand at the cusp of a new era, driven by our collective determination to reach greater heights. Under the slogan “USJ, Aspire for More”, today we are launching a 10-year fundraising campaign, with the aim of raising $150 million to ensure USJ’s longevity.
Magis – a Latin adverb – means more. The term “Magis” is a pillar of the Jesuit philosophy and is rooted in the values of our University. “USJ, Aspire for More” is more than just a slogan; it’s a principle that inspires us to always aspire for more, to strive for excellence in everything we do. It’s a recognition of USJ’s unwavering commitment to continuous improvement, innovation and the quest for solutions to the most pressing challenges of our time.
By supporting this campaign, you are contributing to a legacy of excellence that will resonate for generations to come.
Let us shape a brighter tomorrow for Saint Joseph University of Beirut and our students. Together, let’s surpass the horizon of possibilities and inspire all to “Aspire for More”.
The 8 pillars of the campaign
1- More perennity
Let’s ensure the future of USJ by establishing the 150 Years of USJ Endowment Fund and developing new sources of revenue.
Read More2- More education
Amidst Lebanon’s ongoing crisis, the education sector is in jeopardy, threatening the country’s future.
3- More research
Let’s encourage excellence in research and innovation. Your support will help fund innovative projects.
Read More4- More healthcare
Our dedication to healthcare extends beyond the realm of the classroom. Join us in improving medical services.
Read More5- More modernity
Educational excellence calls for modern infrastructure. Let’s contribute to this modernization.
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