Tax deduction options (by country)
You can benefit from tax deductions in many countries, including France, Switzerland, the United States, and Canada.

Donations by bank transfer
Bank: Crédit Industriel et Commercial
Agency: CIC PARIS BAC, 2 Boulevard Raspail 75007, Paris France
Swift Code: CMCIFRPP
IBAN Code: FR76 3006 6100 4100 0105 7670 146
Tax deductible
Beneficiary: Fondation OMCFAA
Banque: Crédit Industriel et Commercial
Code Swift: CMCIFRPP
Code IBAN: FR76 3006 6100 4100 0105 6021 146
Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth
Bank: Europe Arab Bank
Swift Code: ARABFRPP
Account Number: 00709173345
IBAN Code: FR76 1797 9000 0100 7091 7334 540
US Dollar
Account Number: 00709173301
IBAN Code: FR76 1797 9000 0100 7091 7330 175
Donations by cheque
Payable to
Œuvre des Missions Catholiques Françaises d’Asie et d’Afrique (OMCFAA)
Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth
Bureau Administratif de Paris
42 Rue de Grenelle
75343 Paris Cedex 07
Online donations
Tax deductible
Choose one of USJ’s projects

Donations by bank transfer
Association Liban Avenir Meilleur (ALAM)
Bank: UBS Genève
Swift Code: UBSWCHZH80A
Swiss Francs
IBAN Code: CH85 0021 5215 1042 7301 K
Account Number: 215-104273.01K
IBAN Code: CH80 0021 5215 1042 7360 U
Account Number: 215-104273.60U
Please mention “Fondation USJ”

Donations by bank transfer
Bank : Bank of AmericaAccount Number: 004666725259
Routing: 011000138
Donations by cheque
Please make cheques payable to:
Saint Joseph University Foundation Beirut Inc.
555 Turnpike Street, Suite 55
North Andover, MA 01845, USA
Online donations
Tax deductible 501(c)(3)Saint Joseph University Foundation Beirut Inc. is a section 501(c)(3) non profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Online donations
Please follow the following steps:
1. Go to Select “Œuvres jésuites du Canada français” under “Votre contribution est en faveur de.”
3. In “Autres missions”: select “Appui aux œuvres missionnaires à l'étranger.”
4. Under “Entrez le nom du missionnaire que vous souhaitez soutenir”, write: USJ BEYROUTH.