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Georges AOUN

Directeur - PTS

Enseignant Cadré - Professeur - PhD

Faculté de gestion et de management (FGM)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 4421 georges.aoun@usj.edu.lb

-Sept. 2023 –Présent Professeur de Marketing (partiel) Université Saint Joseph -Sept. 2020 –Aout 2023 Professeur de Marketing, Université Saint Joseph -Sept. 2016 – Sept. 2020 Doyen, Université Saint Joseph Faculté de gestion -Mai 2015 - Aout 2016 Vice- Doyen, Université Saint Joseph Faculté de gestion -Oct. 2010–Avril 2015 Vice-Président Hôtel-Dieu de France -Juil. 2008 –Sep 2012 Vice-Recteur a la recherche, Université Saint Joseph -Juin 2007– Oct.2010 Directeur Général Pole Technologie santé, Université Saint Joseph -Mai, Juin 2001 & Mars 2004 Visiting Professor, Université Paris I Sorbonne, France -Mai 2002 & Avril 2009 Visiting Professor, Université Paris IX Dauphine France -Sept 1994 – Sept 2006 Doyen, Université Saint Joseph Faculté de gestion L -1992 – 1994 Professeur de Marketing, Université Saint Joseph Faculté de gestion

• Doctorat en gestion commerciale
• Doctorat - gestion commerciale
• DEA en théories des organisations
• D.E.A - sciences de l'organisation
• D.E.S. - Informatique de Gestion
• DESS en Informatique de gestion
• Maitrise - production industrielle
• Maitrise en Production industrielle
• Licence en gestion
• Licence en gestion des entreprises

Marketing operationnel

Strategic and international marketing
Organizations Design
Operations Management
Business research

Économie; Gestion; Banque; Assurances


ICT in Organizations and Society


  ● The use of social media for crisis communication during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of Lebanon », (co-author with AOUN BARAKAT Karine) Projectic Review, 2023/1 (n°34), p. 11-24. DOI : 10.3917/proj.034.0011. URL : https://www.cairn.info/revue-projectique-2023-1-page-11.htm  


 ● Effet de la pandémie du Covid-19 sur l’utilisation du commerce électronique par les consommateurs au Liban, Académie des Sciences Commerciales, (Janvier 2023) Paris


    ● Cutting edge Technologies for the Development of Asian countries, Journal of Asia Business Studies (co-author with Harfouche A, Di Marco M, Bou Saba P) Emerald (Feb. 2022) DOI (10.1108/JABS-02-2022-0049) (Scopus)

-● Fighting Covid-19 in a Multi-Crisis Context: Case of Lebanon (co-author with Barakat K.), Community, the Economy, and COVID-19: Lessons from Multi-Country Analyses of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic,  Springer (2022)              DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-98152-5_14

     ● Organizational Change and ERP Implementation: the case of a university hospital,(co-author with  RASSI R.) Lecture notes in Information Systems and Organization—LNISO, Springer (2021). 


   ● Does the Political Candidate’s Quality Lead to Satisfaction? Transposition of the SERVQUAL Model to Politics (VOTQUAL): Case of the Loyal Lebanese Voter, (co-author with Walid Abou Khalil), Journal of Political Marketing, Francis & Taylor, February 2020 (ABDC list & scopus)


     ● Transformational process of the implementation of an Information System dispositive in an organization, (co-author with HARFOUCHE A. & ARIDA J.)  Lecture notes in Information system and Organization, ICT for an inclusive world, volume 35, January 2020, pp 453-466 (scopus)   


     ● Motivation of the Sharing Economy users in the Middle East: The Case of Lebanon, (co-author with Leonel Matar) Journal of Internet and e-Business studies, Volume 2019, January 2019 Proquest


         The Challenges and Opportunities of the Sharing Economy: The Case of a Developing Economy, (co-author with Leonel Matar) Journal of Business and Economics, Volume 9, Number 2, February 2018


         Congruence in advertising, how can communication deal with cultural diversity? The case of HSBC    campaign, (Co-author with Josep Luis Del Olmo and Stephane Bourliataux-Lajoinie) Cahiers de recherche    du Vallorem, Tours 2016


          L’entreprise face aux défis de la responsabilité sociale et de la diversité, (Co-author with Carole Verne) Génération marketing et sciences de gestion, Economica, 2016, pages 152-160


          L’influence des facteurs culturels sur le marketing international, (Co-author with Carole Verne) le professeur de management à 360˚, Vuibert, 2015, pages 65-71 (Label FNEGE)


           Managing diversity in the workplace (Co-author with Tony Gibeily), Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise & Entrepreneurship Review, Volume 5 issue 1, 2013

Recent Presentations in Conferences

● Reasons for the intensive exchange on social media: the case of a small country, From closed to open innovation a game changer for value, MENACIS 2020, Casablanca 2020

     ● Social Media and the Theory of Social Exchange” Proceedings of the 34th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), 13-14 November 2019, Madrid, Spain, p. 4328

     ● Understanding Consumer Use of Search and Meta-search Engine as Decision Aids, The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Business and Society, ICTO 2019, Lille October 2019

         Information Asymmetry in the Age of Big Data Analytics, Cognitive Analytics Management Conference 2018, American University of Beirut, November 2018.

         The Peril and Promise of Peace Marketing: Perspectives from Lebanon, 43rd Annual Macromarketing Conference, Leipzig, Germany, July 2018

          Marketing to end war and sustain peace, American Marketing Association Innovation & sustainability in Marketing, San Fransisco, August 2017

          The challenges and opportunities of the sharing economy, Sharing for a sustainable world, Université de Namur, Belgique, July 2017

• Medaille de merite de l'Universite
• Membre de l'Academie des sciences commerciales