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Chargé de Cours

Enseignant Cadré - Vacataire - Diplôme de traducteur

School of Translators and Interpreters of Beirut (ETIB)
Center for Research in Translation Studies, Arabic Terminology and Languages (CERTTAL)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext

- Co-founder and partner at "la Maison de la traduction"

- Translating of all types of documents
- Co-translator of  “Lexique des termes juridiques”, Dalloz, Hachette, Librairie     Antoine;
-Teacher of Arabic language (Etib, USJ) and Arabic language for non-Arabic   speakers (CREA, USJ);
- Teacher of economic and financial translation;
- Director of the Center for research and Arabic studies (CREA);

-     - Leading a research team to align teaching materials of the CREA with the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFRL)

-     -  Supervision and coordination of a research team for the conception and elaboration of Arabic tests for non-Arabic speakers for the Escola d'Arab Cadmus (educational institution in Barcelona)


Economic translation, English-Arabic 

Economic translation, French-Arabic
Economic and Financial translation, English-Arabic

Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences

Languages and translation

Khalife BouAkl, S. (2017)," التدريب المتواصل في تعليم اللغات: في مواجهة التطوّر التقني    وتغيّر مفهوم الثقافة"،

Portalingua, Faculté des langues (FdL), USJ, issue no 3, p.25 -34

Khalife BouAkl, S. (2016), "أن تبني بحجارة قديمة ", Portalingua, Faculté des langues (FdL), USJ, issue no 2, p. 23 -35

 2015 Khalife BouAkl, S. (2015),“ ثنائية العامية والفصحى والتلازم المحتوم ”, Portalingua, Faculté des langues (FdL), USJ, issue no 1, p. 25-32