(+961) 1 421 000 ext samia.khalifebouakl@usj.edu.lb
- Co-founder and partner at "la Maison de la traduction"
- - Leading a
research team to align teaching materials of the CREA with the Common European Framework of
References for Languages (CEFRL)
- - Supervision and
coordination of a research team for the conception and elaboration of Arabic
tests for non-Arabic speakers for the Escola d'Arab Cadmus
(educational institution in Barcelona)
Economic translation, English-Arabic
Arabic language tutoring
Teaching "Economic Field" translation, English-Arabic, MA level
Teaching economic translation, French-Arabic, BA level
Teaching economic translation, English-Arabic, BA level
Arabic language remedial classes
Arabic language teaching
Teaching "Techniques of Expressions in Arabic"
Teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers
Administrative managing, translating and revising all types of documents
Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences
Languages and translation
Khalife BouAkl, S. (2017)," التدريب المتواصل في تعليم اللغات: في مواجهة
التطوّر التقني وتغيّر مفهوم الثقافة"،
Portalingua, Faculté des langues (FdL), USJ,
issue no 3, p.25 -34
Khalife BouAkl, S. (2016), "أن تبني بحجارة قديمة ", Portalingua, Faculté des langues (FdL), USJ, issue no 2, p. 23 -35