(+961) 1 421 000 ext charbel.mouawad1@usj.edu.lb
I am currently a part-time Assistant Professor at the Lebanese University (LU) an Adjunct Lecturer at Saint Joseph University (USJ) and Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK). Simultaneously, I am working as the QSE Manager at CHATEAU KEFRAYA SAL, a viticulture and winemaking company in Lebanon. In my role, I am responsible for planning actions and ensuring the smooth execution of system and product certification projects, new product development, and scientific research projects in collaboration with universities. My teaching objectives aim to achieve learning outcomes by deepening students knowledge and understanding of all disciplinary aspects of the agro-food field. Teaching a variety of subjects within my discipline, such as food engineering, food technology, food biochemistry, packaging, food safety and quality management, food preservation, food composition, and biochemistry, has allowed me to understand the needs and interests of a diverse student body specialized in agro-food. My research interests are both influenced and shaped by my teaching and professional experience. Furthermore, the need to support the resolution of technical, regulatory, and quality issues in the food sector has served as a precursor to building my scientific research studies, creating benefits for the food industry. Managing scientific and industrial research projects is aimed at providing support and creating solutions for the food industry. As a tutor, I have mentored graduate students and supervised over 20 graduation projects on topics related to agro-food concerns in partnership with Lebanese food factories and universities. These 16 years of professional and academic experience allow me to be aware of primary issues and recognize the challenges.
• Food processing and biotehcnology
• Biotechnology and Agrifood processing
• agircultural engineer
Unit oeprations I & II Food technology Food biochemistry Food packaging technology Quality security management Alcoholic Beverages
Engineering and Technology, Sciences
Étude et supervision de l’exécution de projets de R&D en collaboration avec les industries agroalimentaires, portant sur la formulation et la création de nouveaux produits (barres de céréales, fruits secs, etc.), l’optimisation des procédés industriels, le génie alimentaire, la gestion de la qualité et de la sécurité alimentaire, la conservation et l’extension de la durée de vie des produits alimentaires (les projets seront présentés sur demande).
C. Mouawad, E. Arab-Tehrani & S. desobry, 2007. Determination of partition coefficient of migrants in food simulants by the PRV method- Food Chemistry, Volume 105, Issue 4, 2007, Pages 1571-1577 Makhlouf H, Mouawad C, Shaban N T, Aad J, Sassine L, Samaha H. Evaluation of the growth promoting effect of native microbial community under field conditions. Acta Agrobotanica. 202376:1-12. doi:10.5586/aa/168485.
INPL-ENSAIA-Laboratoire de Science et Génie Alimentaires- NANCY-FRANCE