Le Master en management de la sécurité routière s’est établi à l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth en mars 2012. Ce master, délivré par l’ESIB est reconnu par le Ministère de l’éducation et de l’enseignement supérieur au Liban.
Il a pour objectif de contribuer à la réalisation du Plan mondial pour la Décennie d’action pour la sécurité routière 2011-2020 proclamée par l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies et de la mission de la FIA pour 2030. Ces initiatives visent en particulier les pays du Golfe, du Proche-Orient et de l’Afrique du Nord. Ces pays ont besoin de préparer des spécialistes en management de la sécurité routière, qui aideront leurs Etats à appliquer les cinq piliers de la sécurité routière pour la réduction des nombres de décès sur les routes qui font souffrir nos sociétés.
Transportation Engineer, MEng Road Safety ManagementMANSER, USJ, Class of 2020
Enrolling in the Road Safety Management Master of Engineering at the Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) was an exceptional, once in a lifetime experience! The program has provided me and my colleagues with a wide variety of skills and knowledge that we needed in our careers after graduating. It is taught by a group of tutors and experts from different fields related to road safety; a phenomenon that has been costing the world millions of human lives throughout the years. From principles of management to finance and economics, psychology, law, road safety politics and engineering, each course represents a unique experience and is given in an exquisite way. Weekly guests that have made and are still making an impact in the world of road safety in the region were hosted in campus, where they presented to us their story and experiences. An important part of the program was the internship which for me took place at the Institute of research and technology (IIT) at the faculty of engineering (ICAI) of the Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid where I worked on a research with the ICAI team regarding the crashes of the motorcyclists in Madrid, Spain. After graduating, I’m currently managing a small road safety consulting firm in Amman, Jordan with two of my colleagues from the MANSER program. All in all, my enrollment in the USJ and the MANSER program was one of the best decisions I ever made and if I had the chance, I’d do it all over again!