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Higher Institute of Insurance Science

Established in 1977 through a collaboration between the Saint Joseph University of Beirut and the Association des Compagnies d’Assurance au Liban (ACAL), which serves as the official representative of insurance companies in Lebanon, the Centre d’Études d’Assurance (CEA) was founded on the Social Sciences Campus. Initially designed to provide training for employees of insurance companies, the program later expanded to include students aspiring to pursue careers in insurance. In October 2000, the CEA was transformed into the Higher Institute of Insurance Science (ISSA), becoming a fully integrated institution within the University and awarding degrees (Bachelor and Master) under its official seal. Following a series of crises that impacted Lebanon, ISSA suspended its activities in 2022 for two years. However, in 2024, the institute reopened to address the growing needs of the market. The program has been updated, and the collaboration with ACAL has been further strengthened. A board comprising both ACAL members and USJ faculty now makes the Institute’s strategic decisions.

Established in


Innovation and Sports Campus