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Center for Environmental Research of the Eastern Mediterranean

CREEMO is a center for fundamental and applied research. Its mission is to develop knowledge on environmental issues and their stakes, in a perspective of sustainable development in a complex Mediterranean environment, with the specificities of geography: spatial, systemic and multiscalar approach of human-environment interactions. The fields of expertise are Environmental and Sustainable Development Sciences and Geographic Sciences. Objectives: - To develop the methodological approach, which will be described as: structuralist (the search for structures refers to invariants and fundamentals), systemic (understanding interactions and flows), analytical, multiscalar and modelling. - To maintain the level in knowledge (updating) and in the use of geographic and modelling tools (continuous training by inviting experts or by participating in training courses). - To involve temporary teachers in the different research areas of CREEMO. - To integrate students in the axes defined by the center, in order to enable them to conduct research in master or PhD programs in good academic and scientific conditions. - To develop multidisciplinary research, if integrated strategies are to be put in place. This research center, which benefits from the FLSH environment, invites any researcher wishing to work in the environmental field to join CREEMO. - To enhance the value of research by responding to expertise contracts or by participating in local and international scientific events. - To get involved in the community, in order to educate and raise awareness. In addition to its research mission, CREEMO can also be a center for the provision of services. Fields of expertise: - Environmental sciences and sustainable development - Geographic sciences Research Axes Axis 1: Environment and sustainable development - Mrs Jocelyne Gérard Axis 2: Heritage, city, tourism - Mrs Rita Zaarour

Established in

Humanities Campus

Telephone : +961 (1) 421 000 ext. 5126 - 5309
Fax : +961 (1) 421 055
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