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Observatory of Public Service and Good Governance

Created in 2015, the Observatory of Civil Service and Good Governance (OFP) supports any initiative aimed at promoting good governance, in its political, institutional and administrative aspects.The OFP thus intends to act in favor of the democratic principles of the rule of law, transparency, the fight against corruption and the promotion of citizenship, from the academic circle that is USJ, whose tradition has always contributed to the development of these values in Lebanon and which continues to be a place of intellectual and political debate for young people. The OFP is open to the general public.

Missions and Objectives

The missions and objectives of the OFP, as well as the issues it tackles across various research axes, aim to contribute to a greater modernization of the State and its institutions. Within this framework, good governance is an essential tool for improving procedures and the internal and external functioning of the public administration and a means of increasing administrative transparency.

Activities of the Observatory

1- Research on the problems and issues affecting contemporary public administration and on the challenges of good governance.

2- Publication of newsletters and proceedings of symposia, seminars and scientific works.

3- Learning and continuing education.

4- Prize Michel Eddé for the best thesis on public governance. The Prize is intended to encourage students to turn more frequently to the theme of good public governance in their PhD theses.

Research axes

- Observing and documenting the evolution of public service and good governance.

- Promoting citizenship by working to bring citizens and public institutions closer together.

- Encouraging and working in the fight against corruption.

- Providing intensive training and continuing education, for example in preparation for the civil service entrance exams.

- Steering research projects through observation work in order to have a better understanding of the stakes, challenges and major trends affecting good governance in Lebanon and around the world.

Research themes

Research, by means of surveys, comparative analysis or empirical research, may focus on the following themes:

- The notion of political and social progress in Arab societies.

- Local government and decentralization.

- Participatory democracy.

- Sustainable development.

- The fight against corruption.

- Protection of human rights and access to justice.

- Citizens' right of access to information in the public sector.

- Modernization of public action.

- E-governance and the challenges of open data or big data.

- The impact of social networks on the evolution of good governance.

- The development of the image of public administration.

- The role of the media and journalists in good governance...


In order to carry out its mission, the OFP relies on extensive networks both internally and externally, in Lebanon, the Middle East and around the world.

The OFP thus bolsters a network of partners, in Lebanon and around the world, who support its mission and objectives, including public and para-public actors, the private sector, international organizations and non-governmental organizations that promote the values of good governance.

Established in

Social Sciences Campus

Telephone : +961(1)421000
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