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Financial Aid Office

Year 2023-2024

Social grants: $13,056,954

Interest-free loans: $1,781,942

Total: $14,838,896

More than 51% of USJ students receive financial aid.

Couverture OURSE

Individual and Tailored Assistance

At the Financial Aid Office, you can discuss any personal and social problems you may be facing in total confidentiality (heavy indebtedness, academic failure, isolation, family difficulties, addiction, etc.).

The Social Services assistant provides individual and tailored assistance to any student with problems that hinder or may hinder their academic path.

If necessary, they direct the student to the other competent departments within the University (Academic Directors, Counseling Center, etc.).
If you are in a difficult situation or if you have any concerns, immediately contact the Social Services assistant of your campus.
Their role is to provide you with the best possible support without compromising your freedom and your personality.

They will help you to set goals that match your interests, needs and abilities, and support you in mobilizing your personal skills and your external resources.

At the Financial Aid Office, you will have access to a space for reflection, for advice, for guidance, for the design of action plans and for support in case of difficulties impacting your academic path.

Students with Disabilities

The Financial Aid Office helps to welcome and integrate students with disabilities.
It provides them with support by working to ensure accessibility to all campuses and facilities.
It would be helpful for students to meet with us before registration in order to foresee their specific needs and to provide them with more adapted support.

The Social Services assistant will be your key person and will be in charge of assessing your needs and overseeing the various actions needed to support you. Do not hesitate to consult them to follow up on the situation.