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Psychological Healing

    • Individual Counseling

The Service d’Aide Psychologique (SAP), Services for Psychological Aid, has been created to support students wrestling with psychological distress. The SAP hosts a team of professional psychologists and psychiatrists. It offers a safe space where students can talk about their problems and learn how to manage their distress through psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy, when needed. Under the Rise to Bloom project for 2020-2021, SAP expanded its activities to welcome staff and professors from USJ community.
The following list shows common problems students, staff, and professors face at higher education. If you would like to receive a professional support on the following and other psychological problem, please call 01 210 000 ext 5132/ 2278 or write to sap@usj.edu.lb. Confidentiality is strictly observed.

  • • Mood disorders: bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder
  • • Relational problems and dealing with conflict
  • • Burnout
  • • Neurotic inhibition
  • • Anxiety disorders: generalized anxiety, social anxiety, performance anxiety, panic attacks 
  • • Difficult and/or traumatic experiences from childhood such as divorce, abandonment, or neglect from either one of the caregivers, parents with mental health problems, domestic violence
  • • Post-traumatic stress disorder (especially following Beirut blast)
  • • Acceptance of gender identity and gender non-conformity 
  • • Setting boundaries
  • • Fear of abandonment
  • • Personality disorders
  • • Eating disorders
  • • Body image issues      
  • • Anger outbursts
  • • Self-awareness
  • • Unresolved grief and loss 
  • • Self esteem
  • • Cultural adaptation

Our Story: Groupes de Partages

Pour rejoindre un groupe de partage
To join one of Our Story groups
للانضمام إلى مجموعة مشاركة
01 210 000 ext 5132/ 2278

Savoir raconter l'histoire de nos blessures et de nos luttes est essentiel pour guérir et devenir plus fort. Rise to Bloom vous invite à transformer vos luttes en histoires de guérison. Nous avons crée des «groupes de partage» de 4 personnes maximum dans chaque groupe, qui se sont réunis 6 fois 1 heure par semaine pour écrire et parler de leurs luttes dans un espace sûr et respectueux sans censure. Un expert psychologue animera les réunions. Les groupes de partage continuent sous la direction du département de psychologie de l'USJ.

To know how to tell the story of our wounds and struggles is essential to heal and get stronger. Rise to Bloom invites you to transform your struggles into healing stories. We created “sharing groups” of max 4 people in each group, who met 6 times 1 hour each week to write and talk about their struggles in a safe and respectful space without censoring. A psychologist expert facilitated the meetings. Our Story groups continue under the direction of USJ department of psychology.

يكوّن التكلم عن جراحنا وصراعاتنا أمر ضروريّ في الطريق نحو الشفاء والتمثل بالقوَة. يساعدك هذا البرنامج في تحويل معاناتك الى قصص شفاء. تم تكوين "مجموعات مشاركة" (كل مجموعة تضم 4 أشخاص كحد أقصى), على أن تجتمع ساعة واحدة في الأسبوع لمدة 6 أسابيع. تم خلال هذه اللقاءات المشاركة حول النضال الخاص الّذي يمر به المشاركون وذلك عبر الكتابة والتحدث. في جو اّمن يسود عليه الاحترام وخال من الرقابة. قام خبير نفسي بتسهيل هذه الاجتماعات. مجموعات المشاركة تتابع تحت اشراف مدرسة علم النفس في الجامعة اليسوعية.

Testimony of a “groupe de partage » member from 2021 round

At first, I was rather skeptical. What good can this exercise do me? However, the intellectual approach intrigued me and I decided to give it a try. I was also encouraged by the fact that we worked in groups of 4. During the first session, I wanted to test the waters. The small group seemed very nice, the facilitator held the session well, neither too restrictive nor too permissive; it all gave me confidence. Therefore, I decided to play the game rigorously even though I was not sure of the outcome. I already knew from experience that several practices (yoga, meditation, breathing, repeating mantras) achieve their goal without an explicit explanation on why or how they do it, so I was ready to give this exercise a chance. I would like to talk about my experience by detailing 5 elements of this practice that stood out for me. (Read more)

Educational talks about psychological healing


Le Burnout parental

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