A wedding of opposites

Reina El Itaoui
Vendredi 27 novembre 2020

I sat outside, it was cold.

The sky blue and the ocean grey, 

I was facing a bewildering combination of two opposite aesthetics.

How could the sky be so vibrant and the ocean be so quiet?

With not a single thread in common, the unsteadiness of the unresting crashing waves married the brightness of the clear sky perfectly. How was that even possible?

The scenery in front of me didn’t sit well with me. How could a combination of two complete opposites be so balanced?

And then I thought - Doesn’t all ultimately come down to that? A wedding of opposites that we just continuously fail to notice. 

For, we pay little attention to details when in reality:

Little details are all that actually matters.

Whose fault is it really? 

Can the blame possibly not fall on us when every answer lies so clearly in-front of us? 

Does the blame fall on us when we have no choice but to be caught up in all the frenzy of what we call modern-day life?

Or, do we actually have a choice?

So many questions to ask and yet no one is asking them.

Whose fault is that?

What are we living for? What is our purpose? 

and why do we pay it oh so little thought?

Think about it.

I want you to think with me.

Why is it that we think so little about the things that matter the most?

Are we really living or are we just carrying on day by day?

A mere observation made me question everything I know in life within the fragment of a second - I was intimidated. 

I felt awake. I felt aware. I felt alive.

Bewildered, confused, overwhelmed: I asked myself a lot of questions.

Is life meant to be taken so seriously?

None of the people around me were smiling. 

Isn’t any one of them happy?

Look around you. Are the people surrounding you genuinely happy?

Why is it that whenever we walk around in the streets we find people emotionless and tired?

Why is it that whenever we go out grocery shopping most of us glare without meaning to?

One reason I’ve come up with:

The amount of details that weigh on us and control us.

For, not only do little details control us, but they also indirectly command us to the extent that we’re not truly living anymore. Can you sense the irony     ?

Indifferent to detail to an astonishing degree     :

What fools are we turning out to be     ?

Hence why, I want you to take a moment- I want you to think with me.

After all, it is that simple:

As a bright mind once said wisely:  “I think, therefore I am”.

So, think thoroughly of all the details that might be nearby and focus.

I sat outside, it was cold.

The sky blue and the ocean grey

A combination I have overlooked more times than I may say.

As I stared, a wedding of two completely opposite aesthetics took over me.

One simple scenery made me question everything I believe in, leaving me with a million unanswered questions and I wasn’t even paying attention.

The question is: Will you?