New Digital and Innovative Platform for USJ Alumni
September 2020

A major step forward has just been taken by Saint-Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) and its Federation of Alumni Associations to gather the largest number of USJ Alumni in Lebanon and in the world around a new digital platform based on a technology developed by the French company AlumnForce and available at

This platform is currently used by more than 200 European schools and universities, such as HEC Paris, Paris-Dauphine and Ecole Polytechnique, Centrale, CELSA, etc.

“The word “Alumni” holds a lot of meaning. Alumni are individuals who are aware of their duties, but also of their rights. They are a civic, moral and intelligent force, but also a force of solidarity,” says USJ Rector, Professor Salim Daccache s.j. “The University and its students depend on USJ Alumni to work together and resurrect our Lebanon.”

“It was important for us to establish a shared online space to bring together, gain loyalty and engage our Alumni network,” states the President of the Federation, Dr. Christian Makari. “We need this platform more than ever to foster a sense of solidarity between Alumni and their peers, the new generations and the University.”

The USJ Alumni platform is very comprehensive. It includes: a Directory of members with geolocation, 38 Alumni Associations, a private messaging system, the latest USJ and Network news, a detailed calendar of events, discussion forums, hundreds of job and internship offers, spaces dedicated to professional, regional or international clusters. In a way, it's LinkedIn, Facebook and Messenger at the same time.

All Alumni registered in the database which records more than 60.000 Alumni and soon 15.000 new graduates and current students will receive an email with an activation key to the platform and will be invited to register on the platform, fill in their profile and benefit from all the services. Access to the platform is free and does not depend on the payment of membership fees to the Federation or its Associations.

A communication campaign will be launched in order to promote this new platform and encourage all Alumni to activate their accounts.