Five graduation ceremonies marked the end of the academic year at USJ to a total of 2,082 students in medical sciences, science and technology, humanities, social sciences, business and management, and business management proudly receiving their diplomas.
Five guests of honor contributed to the ceremonies, seeking to open up to the new graduates the horizon of their experiences: Mr Philippe Scholtes, Managing Director of the Programme Development and Technical Cooperation of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Mr Salim Baddoura, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the UN office at Geneva, Dr. Raymond Sawaya, Founding Chair of the Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Texas, Mr Mansour Bteich, Minister of the Economy, and Mr Roger Nasnas, former President of the Economic and Social Council and CEO of AXA Middle East.
It is a message of hope filled with responsibility that Pr Salim Daccache, s.j., Rector of the University, addressed to the graduate students: “Let us contribute hope, goodness, and happiness to the world we live in,” he recommended. The Rector did not hide from the graduates that they will have to evolve in a difficult environments. “The socio-economic crisis we are witnessing is a testimony of a political incapacity to manage our affairs for the good of all. We must from now on learn to live in a world so complex, sometimes surprising, always demanding. During your school education at USJ, and through your respective faculties, we have tried to give you the resources and tools to rise to the challenge of such a situation,” he said, addressing the students.
The Rector also emphasized the unconditional institutional accreditation obtained by USJ for a period of six years from the European ACQUIN Institute (Accreditation, Certification, and Quality Assurance Institute), as well as USJ’s ranking among the 500 best universities in the world, and the second-best university in Lebanon. The guests of honor, taking as an example their respective professional journeys, encouraged (encouraged or invited) the new graduates to “pride, perseverance, and probity.” Mr Philippe Scholtes also asked graduates to “invest in your diploma” and to “not be afraid to dream big!.”
Mr Salim Baddoura encouraged them to be proud of having opted for majors that “philistinism deems to be out of date, or not very prestigious.” Dr. Raymond Sawaya, for his part, called on the new doctors and healthcare professionals not to forget to “serve the community” through “the sense of listening and empathy for those who suffer.” Mr Mansour Bteich encouraged the new managers to carry “loud and proud the values” handed down by USJ, and to let themselves be guided “by their conscience.” During the final ceremony, Mr Roger Nasnas asked the graduates to be confident in themselves, to take initiatives, and to be perseverant.
Following the guests of honor, graduate representatives were invited to deliver their graduation speech. This is how, in turn, Miss Natalia Bou Saker from the Science and Technology campus, Miss Nour Yazbeck from Humanities campus, Miss Chams Hachem from Medical Sciences campus, Miss Joy Freïha on behalf of the students of the Faculty of Business and Management and the Institute of Business Management, and Miss Nour Fakhir from the Social Sciences campus have spoken words of encouragement and wisdom, emphasizing the importance of personal commitment, family support, and academic excellence journey at USJ.