USJ institutional accreditation- ACQUIN experts’ visit

6 december 2018
Campus de l'innovation et du sport

The ACQUIN experts’ visit regarding USJ institutional accreditation took place between December 4 and 6, 2018. It followed the self-assessment report submitted by the University in July. The experts met with representatives from across the university board: the Rector, vice-rectors, deans and institute directors, the quality assurance team, professors, students, members of the central administration, alumni, and partners. They also visited several campuses. This visit, which was a decisive one on the path towards USJ accreditation, is an important step in the quality process, which itself is a constant process.


The experts were impressed by the work undertaken at USJ by each of its members. During the closing session, they described the process as “spectacular” and acknowledged that it was a process that had been assimilated by everyone. They said that they had seen an institution that was “dynamic” and “in motion”, that was conscious of the improvements it had to make, that said improvements were already in “its pipeline”. We are waiting for their official response regarding accreditation and expect it before the end of March.