For the Love of a Child (2006)

Psyné Club 2013-2014
Tuesday, December 3rd 2013
7 pm
At Théâtre Béryte, IESAV - Campus des sciences humaines

The Psychology Department of the Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines - Université Saint-Joseph presents " FOR THE LOVE OF A CHILD ", a movie by Douglas Barr(2006), followed by a discussion on alternative therapies v/s traditional verbal therapies.

Langage : English.
Time : 80 min.
Free entrance.

For more info, contact us on:
Facebook group : psyné club
Tel. : 70 832034                                              Synopsis:

Fact-based story about how lifelong friends and TV actresses Sara O'Meara and Yvonne Fedderson came to dedicate their lives to the prevention and treatment of child abuse through Childhelp USA, the nonprot group they founded in1959 in Asia, for mixed-race orphans who are locally neglected as outcasts which later runs multi-disciplinary centers for abused and/or neglected children in the States. Among them is bright Jacob Fletcher, whose stepfather terrorized him into utter trauma and reclaims him shortly after10 months in jail. Jacob’s peers have distressing stories of their own, but competent, devoted sta helps most of them decisely on the former farm, using animal therapy.