Pr. Zmokhol guest speaker in "Lebanon's Placement on the FATF Grey List" webinar, organized by the AUB

13 december 2024

The dean of the USJ Business School Pr. Fouad Zmokhol was truly honored to be invited as a guest speaker at a webinar titled "Lebanon's Placement on the FATF Grey List," organized by the AUB EMBA Chapter alongside Mr. Tarek Zahran, Head of Compliance - Special Investigation Commission at the BDL. The presentation and the open discussion aimed to provide in-depth information on Lebanon's recent addition to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Grey List. Several key aspects of the assessment and listing were addressed. The main topics discussed in detail included the assessment process, the economic impact of the listing on Lebanon, the remedial action plan for grey list removal, the political and other challenges of the action plan, and practical advice for business owners and executives on navigating the implications of greylisting. Don’t hesitate to join our business school for a diversified, practical learning experience under continuous development an improvement.