FdLT, ETIB, FSR, ISSR, IEIC, FLSH, ILO, ELFS and IESAV 2024 Graduation Ceremony

Friday, July 12, 2024

The Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) held a graduation ceremony celebrating the achievements of graduates from the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FdLT), the School of Translators and Interpreters of Beirut (ETIB), the Faculty of Religious Studies (FSR) and its institutes: the Higher Institute of Religious Studies (ISSR) and the Institute of Muslim-Christian Studies (IEIC), the Faculty of Humanities (FLSH) and its departments, the Institute of Oriental Studies (ILO), the Lebanese School of Social Work (ELSF), and the Institute of Theatre, Audiovisual and Cinematic Studies (IESAV).

This ceremony highlighted the diversity and richness of disciplines taught at USJ, and took place at the Medical Sciences Campus on Damascus Road on Friday, July 12, 2024. Its slogan, “On the path of 150 years... you are the guardians of our heritage and the builders of our future,” perfectly captured the spirit of the occasion.

Prof. Salim Daccache, SJ, Rector of USJ, inaugurated the ceremony with an inspiring address. He expressed his joy and pride in welcoming the distinguished guests of honor, including Member of Parliament Najat Aoun Saliba, “a steadfast advocate for the Lebanese people and an intellectual voice carrying humanistic and visionary messages”, along with Ms. Fériale Assha, an unwavering supporter “of USJ students and Hôtel-Dieu de France, and the advancement of their respective missions.”

“It is undeniable that our Lebanon is facing the looming threat of war amid a turbulent Middle East,” the Rector continued. “On this occasion, I extend my heartfelt salute to our fellow Lebanese in South Lebanon, enduring hardships amidst conflict and adversity.”

Daccache reflected on the graduates’ journey marked by challenges such as the pandemic, economic crisis, and the tragic Beirut port explosion. Emphasizing the virtues of perseverance and determination, he encouraged them to pursue their aspirations with courage and audacity. He also underscored the transformative impact of Jesuit education in fostering individuals aware of their societal responsibilities. He added, “USJ has formed generations of leaders whose contributions have shaped our nation and extended our influence worldwide. I invite you to continue this tradition. Let us dedicate ourselves to a Lebanon of citizenship, a Lebanon guided by justice, and a Lebanon free from corruption and political malice”.

“Express gratitude to those who have contributed to your academic journey and never forget the importance of giving back to the community that has supported you”, he advised. Prof. Daccache also emphasized the importance of alumni networks encouraging graduates to maintain strong connections with their colleagues and Alma Mater.

“As the 149th year since the founding of our Alma Mater comes to an end,” the Rector addressed the graduates, “we are entering a new era with great anticipation, opening wide the door to USJ’s 150th anniversary. Although these are sad and difficult times, we will commemorate 150 years of USJ with friends, alumni, and our entire community. We will honor this milestone with the reverence it deserves, unlike the hurried centennial of Greater Lebanon. We dreamed of Greater Lebanon, we made it a reality, and it remains the Lebanon we envision, build every day, and love.”

In her address, Mrs. Aoun Saliba congratulated all graduates, reflecting on her personal journey of discovery and growth. She shared: “When I was your age, I was uncertain about the causes I would carry and defend in my mind and heart. But today, after many years, I have come to realize that every task I undertook, every person I met, and every experience I encountered, were all interconnected steps that helped me discover myself. Each stage of our lives prepares us for what follows. This is how we assemble our experiences to pave the way for future successes. Every moment of our life matters”.

“Most importantly”, she continued, “as we live in this moment, let us appreciate its value and harness it meaningfully. Success is the accumulation of experiences and knowledge that require expertise, and today, you are the experts. It’s not just a privilege; it’s a responsibility”.

It is worth noting that Mrs. Saliba is an expert in climate change and pollution control. Holding a PhD in Physical Science from the University of Southern California, she has been a professor at the American University of Beirut for over 20 years and has authored more than 150 publications. She serves on the Scientific Council of UNESCO’s International Basic Sciences Programme and chairs a technical advisory group on the global platform for air quality and health at the WHO. Furthermore, she has received numerous accolades, including the International Awards L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science, the National Order of the Cedar medal from the President of Lebanon, and the Paul Harris Fellow insignia from the Rotary Club Beirut, among others. In 2019, she was recognized as one of the BBC’s 100 Most Influential Women.

After Mrs. Aoun Saliba was awarded USJ’s 150th Anniversary Medal, Ms. Fériale Assha expressed gratitude for the opportunity to represent the Federation of USJ Alumni Associations. She emphasized the importance of maintaining a strong connection with the institution that has nurtured its students, and stressed the ongoing importance of enhancing knowledge and skills in a complex and often challenging world. Addressing the inevitable challenges that graduates will encounter, Assha remarked, “You will understand that neither your body, tested by illness, war, grief, and displacement; nor your heart, torn by betrayal, separation, absence, and solitude; nor your savings, depleted by financial crisis, corruption, abuse of power, and favoritism; nor your environment, plagued by pollution, overpopulation, climate change, and gender inequality - can ensure lasting happiness. True fulfillment comes only through the cultivated wisdom gained throughout your academic journey, fostering inner liberation”.

Quoting William Shakespeare to underscore the power of liberation from the material and emotional attachments, Assha encouraged graduates to reciprocate to their Alma Mater all that they have received. She posed the question, “For love cannot be unidirectional. This University, which has loved you so much, is currently navigating its greatest challenge yet, will you pass by like the Levite, or will you, like the Samaritan, extend your compassionate gaze towards it?”

She encouraged them to follow the path guided by their conscience, emphasizing the importance of integrity and self-loyalty. Additionally, she invited them to actively engage with the Federation of USJ Alumni, describing it as a new family ready to support and guide them.

Finally, Assha wished the new graduates much more than mere knowledge and wisdom. She encouraged them to give themselves fully through love and service to others. she concluded: “And if, at the twilight of your life, you feel unfulfilled, look up at the stars and ponder Saint Ignatius of Loyola’ reflection: “How insignificant Earth seems to me when I consider Heaven!”

Ms. Fériale Assha has been a cherished member of USJ for many years, dedicating two decades to her studies at our university and earning nine degrees from esteemed institutions such as FLSH and FSR. Beyond her academic achievements, Assha has demonstrated exceptional generosity towards USJ. She established two scholarship funds in memory of her parents, Mrs. Jacqueline Cassir and Mitri Assha Esq., and showed her commitment to Hôtel-Dieu de France and its patients by naming its lobby in honor of her brother, Khalil Mitri Assha.

On the other hand, Lynn Chakaron, representing ELFS students, marked the culmination of their academic journey and the beginning of a new chapter filled with opportunities and challenges. Reflecting with heartfelt nostalgia on their early days at the university, she highlighted how this transformative experience shaped their personalities through collaborative projects, enriching discussions, and exchange of experiences. Lynn also expressed gratitude for the dedicated and passionate mentorship of instructors, whose rigorous instruction and compassionate encouragement enabled students to surpass their boundaries with resilience and humor.

Furthermore, Chakaron thanked her classmates for the shared moments of mutual support, debates, shared meals, and moments of laughter in the student lounge. She emphasized the sense of belonging fostered by their dynamic university which offers numerous opportunities for expression and development. As a graduate of humanities and social work, she spoke of the importance of these human-centered professions and the belief in making a difference despite complex crises.

She underscored the lasting impact of USJ, which has empowered students to fulfill their goals, inspired them to pursue excellence, celebrated diversity, and encouraged innovation. Thanking the university officials for their support, she concluded by wishing the graduates a future filled with success, joy, and accomplishments for the peace and stability of Lebanon.

The ceremony concluded with Lynn Chakaron reciting the oath of ELFS, followed by Nadira Fahed, a PhD graduate in Translation from FdLT, reciting the doctoral oath of scientific integrity. Subsequently, diplomas were presented to the graduates.

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Read also:
 Cérémonie de remise des diplômes aux étudiants de la FdLT, de l’ETIB, de la FSR, de l’ISSR, de l’IEIC, de la FLSH, de l’ILO, de l’ELFS et de l’IESAV-2024