Faculty of Science 2024 Graduation Ceremony

Thursday, July 11, 2024

The Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) held a graduation ceremony at the Medical Sciences Campus on Damascus Road on July 11, 2024. This significant event celebrated the achievements of bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD graduates from the Faculty of Science (FS). The ceremony’s slogan, “On the path of 150 years... you are the guardians of our heritage and the builders of our future,” perfectly captured the spirit of the occasion.

Mr. Zafer Chaoui, Honorary Consul General of Finland in Lebanon and a distinguished figure in viticulture, was the guest of honor at this ceremony. He serves as Chairman at Château Ksara and the National Institute of Vine and Wine, and President at Oasis de Vie, a healthcare center established by the Greek Catholic Welfare Association of Beirut and its Suburbs. Additionally, he is a member of the Board of Directors of Banque Libano-Française since 1991, and also chairs the Board of Directors of Omnipharma.

Mr. Chaoui is widely recognized for his unwavering support of USJ students through the Tonia and Zafer Chaoui Endowment Scholarship Fund. His generosity and commitment to education and community service has inspired graduates, reaching beyond his roles in viticulture and finance.

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Prof. Salim Daccache, SJ, Rector of USJ, inaugurated the ceremony with an inspiring address. He expressed his joy and pride in welcoming the distinguished guest of honor, Mr. Zafer Chaoui. Shifting his focus to the graduates, he celebrated “a victory of science and imagination, a victory for Lebanon against ignorance and obscurity, for a Lebanon of peace, coexistence, sovereignty, and freedom”.

Daccache reflected on the graduates’ journey marked by challenges such as the pandemic, economic crisis, and the tragic Beirut port explosion. Emphasizing the virtues of perseverance and determination, he encouraged them to pursue their aspirations with courage and audacity. He also underscored the transformative impact of Jesuit education in fostering individuals aware of their societal responsibilities.

“Express gratitude to those who have contributed to your academic journey and never forget the importance of giving back to the community that has supported you,” he advised. Prof. Daccache also emphasized the importance of alumni networks encouraging graduates to maintain strong connections with their colleagues and Alma Mater.

“As the 149th year since the founding of our Alma Mater comes to an end,” the Rector addressed the graduates, “we are entering a new era with great anticipation, opening wide the door to USJ’s 150th anniversary. Although these are sad and difficult times, we will commemorate 150 years of USJ with friends, alumni, and our entire community. We will honor this milestone with the reverence it deserves, unlike the hurried centennial of Greater Lebanon. We dreamed of Greater Lebanon, we made it a reality, and it remains the Lebanon we envision, build every day, and love.”

In his speech, Mr. Chaoui reflected on his educational journey at USJ, highlighting the significant impact of the university on his personal and professional growth since earning his Bachelor in Economics in 1972. He also elaborated on his contributions to the Faculty of Science, established in 1977, which provides a wide range of opportunities for young graduates, spanning from fundamental sciences to collaborations with industrial and commercial sectors.

Building on these collaborations, Mr. Chaoui underscored the Faculty’s partnerships with institutions like CNRS, the Beirut Municipality, and the Université de Lyon, stressing the critical role of fields like food hygiene in public health and Lebanese exports. He encouraged graduates to embrace Lebanon’s strengths, and stressed the importance of their commitment to enhancing quality of life and seizing current opportunities despite the country’s challenges.

Mr. Chaoui concluded by urging the graduates to stay in Lebanon and actively contribute to its development. Reflecting on his personal experience, he emphasized the importance of productivity and efficient time management. Despite the challenges, he encouraged young graduates to capitalize on Lebanon’s unique attributes, including its climate and the vibrant spirit of its people. “This country loves you, and we love you”, he concluded warmly, inspiring the youth to stay in Lebanon and contribute to a brighter future for their nation.

After Mr. Chaoui was awarded USJ’s 150th anniversary medal, Martine Abi Khalil, President of the FS Alumni Association expressed her honor in representing USJ alumni at this ceremony. She praised the university’s historical significance as it approaches this milestone, noting that 90% of FS graduates secure employment within six to seven months after graduation. Her remarks underscored the value and excellence of education provided by USJ, even amidst challenging economic conditions.

She emphasized the importance of Ignatian education values in shaping competent individuals, integrating physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual aspects. In a world where artificial intelligence poses increasing competition, she highlighted that recruiters seek unique personalities, valuing confidence and genuine passion for work. She encouraged graduates to demonstrate these qualities, alongside technical skills, as they navigate their career paths.

Mrs. Abi Khalil concluded by sharing three essential tips for success: self-love, task-love, and love for others. She stressed the importance of confidence, passion for their chosen field, and respect for others. Additionally, she encouraged graduates to remain resilient in the face of challenges, take pride in their achievements, and uphold high personal standards. She warmly welcomed the new graduates into the large family of USJ alumni, urging them to proudly embody the university’s values in their future professional and personal endeavors.

Mr. Jean Paul Ibrahim, a chemistry graduate, then spoke with joy and honor representing his fellow graduates. He emphasized the resilience required to pursue scientific studies, especially amidst multiple crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, financial instability, and geopolitical tensions. Mr. Ibrahim paid tribute to USJ’s mission and its supporters, acknowledging their role in empowering students to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

He underscored USJ’s pivotal role as a beacon of educational excellence, celebrating its 149th anniversary this year. Highlighting the Faculty of Science as a hub of research and knowledge, he noted its advanced technologies and influential figures. Drawing inspiration from scientific pioneers like Newton and Lavoisier, he emphasized the Faculty’s commitment to nurturing student success through resources and dedicated mentorship.

Mr. Ibrahim expressed heartfelt gratitude to the instructors and administrative staff of USJ for their dedication and support. He also thanked the graduates’ parents for their investment and unconditional support. Addressing his classmates, he recalled the challenging moments they had overcome together, urging them to aim high, remain resilient, and cherish their cultural heritage. He concluded by encouraging his fellow graduates to seize future opportunities with courage and determination, while maintaining pride in their journey and Lebanese heritage.

Finally, graduates of bachelor’s and master’s programs took the oath of excellence, while doctoral candidates pledged their commitment to scientific integrity. The presentation of diplomas marked the culmination of the evening’s celebrations.

Read also: Cérémonie de remise des diplômes aux étudiants de la Faculté des sciences-2024
اليسوعيّة تحتفل بتخريج طلاّب كليّة العُلوم – 2024
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