The RAND Concert

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Amidst an ambiance of conviviality, the Pierre Abou Khater Amphitheater at the Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Humanities Campus (CSH) hosted a charitable concert organized by Opération 7e jour (O7) on Thursday, May 30, 2024. This event aimed to support and fund the various activities of O7, perpetually dedicated to societal service through university education.

The Abou Hamad siblings – Youssef, Lili, and Jamale – USJ alumni, lit up the stage delivering a captivating array of performances, from French songs to Arabic melodies, encompassing both original compositions and covers.

Beyond their mesmerizing performances, the trio captivated the audience with their infectious humor and captivating stories, making the whole experience even more thrilling and enjoyable for everyone.

The highlight of this concert was the messages conveyed through music, touching on themes such as the pain of separation due to immigration, the power of untold stories, and the hope within love despite differences – themes that strike a chord with every Lebanese.

Their music encourages us to confront the unspoken realities of Lebanese daily life and reflect on the concept of unity. As Jamale eloquently put it, “What is the true essence of religion, if not love?”

A heartfelt thanks to all those who contributed to the success of this project, and to RAND, for their magical voices and unwavering support since their student days at USJ. Their involvement further strengthens USJ’s O7 mission, and adds deeper significance to our goals.|

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Read also: Concert par RAND le 30 mai 2024