Discovering the Power of Personality!
As part of our ongoing 'Business Conference' course, we had the privilege of hosting an illuminating session presented by Mrs. Jessica Khudeida, entitled 'Personality Management.'
Mrs. Khudeida is a Life and Wellness coach, Human development consultant, and soft skills trainer. She's the Founder of Qi Mapping, a consultancy and training business. Most importantly, she's an alumnus of the Master in Entrepreneurship program from our Faculty of Business and Management.
During this very enlightening session, our students learned that by understanding the dynamics of different personalities in the workplace, you can assign tasks and roles that align with everyone’s strengths.
Self-awareness, team dynamics, client relations, and organizational insight are all keys to both personal and business success.
We are dedicated to enriching our academic environment by adding to our students’ journey, practical insights, real-life experience and mostly developing their soft skills..
Stay tuned for more insights and wisdom from our brilliant speakers!