Prof. Roland Tomb, MD, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (FM) at Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ), has been appointed Visiting Professor at the prestigious Collège de France on the recommendation of Prof. Thomas Römer.
On January 25, 2023, he delivered a lecture in French named: “Histoire de la circoncision, des origines à nos jours : enjeux et controversies” (History of Circumcision Throughout the Ages: Challenges and Controversies).
Thomas Römer, a professor at Collège de France since 2007, is a member of the Board of Directors and the President of the Assemblée du Collège de France. He is Chair of Biblical Milieus.
Collège de France is a public higher education and research institution with a unique scientific, cultural, and professional mission in the world. Since 1530, Collège de France has had a dual vocation: to be a place for the most daring research as well as a place for its teaching. Collège de France is unique in that it teaches knowledge in the making in all fields of literature, science, and the arts. It is dedicated to fundamental research, which it develops in close collaboration with the CNRS, Inserm, and numerous scientific and cultural institutions.
Click here to watch the lecture by Prof. Tomb:
Read also: Roland Tomb élu président de la CREES Moyen-Orient