A Review of the Use of Theory in Health Promotion Interventions.
Description :
Articles and reports will be collected from various sources such as academic databases and reports of health organizations. Next, different articles will be put together by intervention. Each intervention will be labeled as “theory-based” or “no mentioned theory”. In theory-based interventions, we will examine intervention activities and outcomes in relation to theoretical constructs. Construct use will be validated in accordance with the descriptions of these constructs in key literature on a particular theory. “No mentioned theory” interventions will be examined in terms of their effectiveness and process. In the second phase, we will attempt to identify a particular theory that may be used implicitly in the narrative, should the narratives allow. As a start, these narratives will be compared to the more popular theories: The theory of planned behavior, the health belief model, the transtheoretical model, the social learning theory, the diffusion of innovations, and the ecological model of health. In addition, we will examine the possible use of planning models such as PRECEDE PROCEED, PATCH, or intervention mapping. The study will involve first interventions on screening behaviors such as mammography, pap test or colonoscopy. In the second phase, we plan to expand the study to other behaviors such as smoking, condom use, or weight management where continued behavior is of the essence. Once a taxonomy of intervention is produced, a discussion on intervention outcomes and the use of theory is expected to provide a platform for engaging discussions regarding competencies in health promotion and the training they require.
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