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Trafficking in Persons / Smuggling of Migrants / Migrants Vulnerable to Violence, Exploitation and Abuse

This course explores the intersection of international crimes, border security and trafficking across borders, including emerging trends, challenges and successful case studies. This course will address how migrant smuggling is a growing transnational crime. Indeed, smuggling of migrants is often committed by organized crime groups in conjunction with other transnational crimes, such as smuggling of weapons, drugs or trafficking in persons. What is a comprehensive response to address migrant smuggling? How should the States prevent migrant smuggling, and prosecute and investigate the crime? How can they strengthen partnerships to achieve these goals? Focusing on human protection pertaining to human smuggling and trafficking, this course will address the identification of vulnerable migrants and the risks they are facing with regards to violence, exploitation and abuse.

Temps présentiel : 9 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 16 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Compte rendu