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Introduction to health policy and systems

Cette UE vise à fournir aux étudiants des connaissances de base en politiques et systèmes de santé, et à leur enseigner les concepts, principes et compétences scientifiques nécessaires pour renforcer un système de santé afin d’améliorer la santé de populations. Les étudiants apprennent à anticiper les besoins futurs relatifs à l'évolution des modèles de santé communautaire et aux nouveaux besoins sociétaux et à l’élaboration de politiques de santé. Généralement, les professionnels de la santé publique apprennent à proposer des solutions techniques aux problèmes de santé de la population. Cependant, dans de nombreux cas, la santé a du mal à passer au travers d'un processus complexe d'élaboration de politiques publiques. Le pouvoir, les intérêts, la politique et les droits de l’homme ne sont que des exemples d’éléments influant sur l’élaboration des programmes, la création et la mise en œuvre des politiques. Ce cours constitue une introduction complète à l’étude des structures et objectifs d’un système de santé ainsi que l’étude du pouvoir et des processus dans les politiques de santé.

Temps présentiel : 16 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 34 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final, Travail personnel

Référence :
1. Barbazza, E., & Tello, J. E. (2014). A review of health governance: Definitions, dimensions and tools to govern. Health Policy. 116(1) 2. Bardach, E., (2012), A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis, the Eightfold Path to More Effective Problem Solving, Fourth Edition, Richard and Rhoda Goldman, School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley, CQ Press, an Imprint of SAGE Publications, Inc. CQ 3. Buse K, Mays N, Walt G. Making health policy. McGraw-Hill Education (UK); 2012. 4. El-Jardali F, Hammoud R, Younan L, Smaha Nuwayhid H, Abdallah N, Alameddine M, Bou-Karroum L, Salman L, The Making of Nursing Profession Practice Law in Lebanon: A Policy Analysis Case Study, Health Research Policy and Systems. In press 5. Ammar W, Wakim R, Hajj I, Accreditation of hospitals in Lebanon: a challenging experience. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2007; 13:138-149. 6. El-Jardali, F., Jamal, D., Dimassi, H., Ammar, W., Tchaghchaghian, V. (2008) The Impact of Accreditation on Quality of Care in Lebanese Hospitals, International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 7. El-Jardali F, Ammar R, Hemadeh R, Jamal D, Jaafar M. Improving Primary Health Care through Accreditation: Baseline Assessment of Readiness and Challenges in Lebanese Context, International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2013 Mar 20 8. Donaldson, Lima J. and Muir Gray, J.A (1998) Clinical governance: a quality for health organizations. Quality in Health Care. 7(Suppl):S37-S44 9. Buetow, SA. and Roland, M. (1999) Clinical governance: bridging the gap between managerial and clinical approaches to quality of care. Quality in Health Care. 8:184-190 10. EL-Jardali.F, Jaafar.M, Dimassi.H, Jamal.D, and Hamdan.R (2010). The Current State of Patient Safety Culture in Lebanese Hospitals: a study at baseline. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 11. El-Jardali F., Jaafar, M., Jamal, D. Integrating Patient Safety Standards into the Accreditation Program: A Qualitative Study to Assess the Readiness of Lebanese Hospitals to Implement into Routine Practice, Journal of Patient Safety 2012 Sep;8(3):97-103. 7 12. Baig, M. B., Panda, B., Das, J.K., & Chauhan, A.S. (2014) Is public private partnership an effective alternative to government in the provision of primary health care? A case study in odisha. Journal of Health Management. 16(41) 13. Sreeramareddy, C. T., & Sathyanarayana, T. N. (2013). Decentralised versus centralised governance of health services. The Cochrane Library. 14. El-Jardali F., Fadlallah R., A review of national policies and strategies to improve quality of health care and patient safety; A caste study from Lebanon and Jordan, BMC Health Services Research, 2017 15. Jepsson, A. and Okuanzi Sam A. (2000) Vertical or holistic decentralization of the health sector? Experience form Zambia and Uganda. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 15: 273-289 16. Partners for Health Reform Plus (2002) Decentralization and Health Systems Reform, www PHRplus.org 17. Oliver T; The Politics of Public Health Policy; Annual Review of Public Health 2006; 27:195--‐225 (31p) 18. Health systems financing, the path to universal coverage 19. First global monitoring report 20. Donaldson, Lima J. and Muir Gray, J.A (1998) Clinical governance: a quality for health organizations. Quality in Health Care. 7(Suppl): S37-S44 21. Gostin, L/O., (2008), A Theory and Definition of Public Health Law In PUBLIC HEALTH LAW POWER, DUTY, RESTRAINT (Revised & Expanded Second Edition), The Linda D. and Timothy J. O’Neill Professor of Global Health Lawhttp://scholarship.law.georgetown.edu/ois_papers/8 22. Jardali et al., The impact of accreditation of primary healthcare centers: successes, challenges and policy, implications as perceived by healthcare providers and directors in Lebanon, BMC Health Services Research 2014, 14:86 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6963/14/86 23. Turmoil in the Individual Insurance Market — Where It Came From and How to Fix It http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1707593#t=article Globemed mise sur la prévention pour limiter les dépenses de sante 24. http://www.oecd.org/fr/sante/systemes-sante/ 25. http://www.who.int/universal_health_coverage/en/ 26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZHiIGFLN8Y 27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy1Og_RzPlU 28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQ3sHfYzcv8 Peer-reviewed publications and policy documents (national, regional and international policies) to be posted on Moodle (https://moodle.usj.edu.lb/)

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Diplôme d'orthophonie
Master en psychomotricité
Bachelor in speech and language therapy