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Phonetics 1

This teaching unit is devoted to learning about the human vocal mechanism, the sounds it can produce and how those sounds can be classified (Articulatory Phonetics). It also covers the introduction into disciplines of phonology and sociophonetics. Students will be able to learn to distinguish and produce most of the sounds of the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet), using examples from a wide range of languages and many accents of English and Arabic. This teaching unit also looks at how phonetics plays an important role in speech therapy, and introduces some techniques for identification of phonetic and phonological patterns in speech disorders.

Temps présentiel : 20 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 75 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Examen final, Projets

Référence :
Abdo, D. A. (1971). On stress and Arabic phonology, a generative approach. Library location: 103F5/50 Al-Ani, S. H. (2014). Arabic phonology: An acoustical and physiological investigation (Vol. 61). Walter de Gruyter. Library location: 492.75 A597a Catford, J. C. (1977). Fundamental problems in phonetics. Midland Books. Library location: 414 C359f Fudge, E. C. (1973). Phonology: selected readings. Penguin. Library location: 109B4/24 Gairdner, W. H. T. (1925). The phonetics of Arabic: A phonetic inquiry and practical manual for the pronunciation of classical Arabic and of one colloquial (the Egyptian). H. Milford, Oxford University Press. Library location: 104F5/19 Holes, C. (2001). Dialect, Culture, and Society in Eastern Arabia: Glossary (Vol. 1). Brill. Library location: 220A Kaiser, L. (1959). Manual of phonetics. Library location: 109B4/14 Lehiste, I. (Ed.). (1969). Readings in acoustic phonetics. Mit Press. Library location: 414 L522r Martinet, A. (1949). Phonology as functional phonetics: Three lectures delivered before the University of London in 1946 (Vol. 15). Oxford University Press. Library location: 109B3/46 Moscati, S., Spitaler, A., Ullendorff, E., & Von Soden, W. (1969). An Introduction to the Comparative Grammar of the Semitic Languages Phonology and Morphology. Library location: 492.5 A531 Noël-Armfield, G. (1915). General phonetics for missionaries and students of languages. W. Heffer & sons. Library location: 109B4/26 Šaumjan, S. K. (1972). Problems of theoretical phonology. Library location: 414 S256p/Ev Scripture, E. W. (1904). The elements of experimental phonetics. C. Scribner's Sons. Library location: 109B4/15 Stetson, R. H. (2014). Motor phonetics: A study of speech movements in action. Springer. Library location: 109B4/23 Sweet, H. (2014). A new English grammar (Vol. 1). Cambridge University Press. Library location: 110B2/51 Sweet, H. (1890). A primer of phonetics. Clarendon Press. Library location: 109B4/13

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Bachelor in speech and language therapy