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Stage 1

Students you need to undergo a two-month Sales Internship Program process when enrolling in a diploma of Marketing et Publicité as well as for the diploma of Informatique appliquée aux entreprises. The prerequisite to this sales internship is the course of Selling Techniques. This program objective is to initiate students and help them get acquainted with the real working field in real-time and make them understand what they have learned in theory. This experience is crucial once graduated since it will help them in getting accepted easily as it will show the employer that students have gained some experience and have underwent sales process such as selling products/services , negotiating , prospecting and did different kind of sales floors and merchandising . This professional process will allow students to build a professional network useful for a later access to important companies.

Temps présentiel : 0 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 320 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Rapport de stage

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Licence en informatique appliquée aux entreprises